Should I sort my .223 LC brass by year?

Dave R

New member
I building a sizable collection of .223 Lake City brass, mostly by scrounging. It has proven quite accurate in my Varmit rifle (.223 NEF.)

Are the lots pretty consistent from year to year? Will I get better accuracy by sorting by lot (or year?) Or is that an unnecessary stop that won't add any additional accuracy?


New member
223 LC brass sort

I would sort by weight. You should find it sorts into sort of bell curve. then use the most populus. I would think +/- .1 gr. go to a wider variation if you don't get enough. do the sort after you have sized and trimed.


New member
It really just depends how particular of a guy you happen to be. Are you looking for .25" groups or will .75" groups suffice. I'm not a consistant enough shooter to be uber-anal.

I just don't have time to sort brass by weight. Someday I might, but there is nothing I do that demands that sort of commitment. I do, however, weigh all (for varmint guns) rifle charges.


New member
For best posible groups-- Yes, sort by year,number of times fired and weight
Everything you do to elimenate any diferences will titten your groups

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
I use laundry markers to put a small colored indentification mark on each one of my brass when I load. It doesn't hurt anything, and lets me know exactly how many times I have re-loaded each round, and can also be used to indentify the weight of each piece of brass.(Remember every time you trim it will change your brass weight a little). I make a chart with each color on it, that tells me what color goes with what load. Your tumbler will take the marker off when you tumble it, so you don't get confused.