should i have traded or not.


New member
I had a S&W 66-2 4 inch 357 up for sale and the guy that was suposed to buy my gun showed up at the shop so i could transfer the gun to him,the price was $500.00 and he knew that!He comes in with a Glock 21 SF(what is a SF),the box,papers,2 mags and 50 rounds of ammo.I'm still thinking he has the money,he wanted me to trade him my 66 for his glock.I had my friend check it out for my benefit,it was perfect (as in never been fired).I paid the 20.00 tranfer fee and so did the other guy and we both walked away with a gun.Now i have a .45(my very and mean very first ever .45) and man is my wife going to be real huffy when she gets home from work.:eek:

I guess i shouldn't say never.Before that very instant when he handed me the gun,i didn't want a .45 ever.I don't know why but the .45 just never apealed to me.I'm going shooting it tomorrow.:cool::rolleyes:

So in the end while i'm sitting here,please help me justify why i just did what i did.

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New member
You question is whether you should have traded or not. I would not have traded if the SW 66 was in good shape because they don't make them like that anymore, plus I like SW revolvers. But, if you are pleased, that's all that matters.


New member
i would not have traded, just for the fact that the guy new it was $500 cash and then thanks he can be slick and bring the glock for a trade.

when i was selling my gi 1911 i told the guy on the phone i will not take any less then $550 for it. he shows up at my house with $460 and thinks i will take it. i told him to take a hike.


New member
I'd rather have the Glock.

You did fine. Put a few thousand rounds through it, and then decide if it was a good trade or not. Obviously, you were not attached to the 66 anyway, so there's nothing to be upset about.

If you needed the $500, then you were stupid to go ahead with the trade. But I suspect you wanted the Glock.
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Hoss Fly

You question is whether you should have traded or not. I would not have traded if the SW 66 was in good shape because they don't make them like that anymore, plus I like SW revolvers. But, if you are pleased, that's all that matters.

+1 :rolleyes:

$500 for a 66-2 was a good deal :cool:
You can buy Glocks all day long for $500 :confused:


New member
I like the Glock, but the Smith is worth a lot more money around here. The SF stands for Short Frame. The grip is slightly shorter from front to back than on standard 21's. If yours has the ambi mag release only the newest version of Glock magazines will work. If it has the standard mag release any G21 mag will work. Old or new.

If you like your new Glock that is all that matters. I like mine.


New member
But I suspect you wanted the Glock.
I guess curiosity got the best of me.I've never owned a .45 nor did i want one,but when i handled it and when the shop owner confirmed that it was indeed new(yea i kinda wanted it)Besides i still got my S&W 686 4 inch.

Like i said before we'll see tomorrow.:cool:

If it has the standard mag release
yes it has the standard mag release


New member
I would not have traded.

But you're not me and you did end up with a fine gun..

If you're happy that's all that counts.



New member
Experience is priceless. By the time you've fired a couple thousand rounds through your Glock, you'll know about Glock, and you'll know about .45 ACP.

You made a good trade. A year from now, maybe you'll want something different, and you can deal with it then. If you get revolver-itis, shoot your 686; it's probably better than your 66 anyway, even though the 66 is not made anymore.

I have visions of gun owners bringing their never-shot, pre-lock Smiths out of the safe to fondle them, wipe them off with a felt cloth, and put them back in the safe. Life is too short, IMO. Shoot the hell out of them and, if you find something better, shoot the hell out of that gun instead.


New member
Ahhhh spring is in the air,the birds are singing,my ears are ringing and the shells were pinging.The sweet smell of honeysuckle and burning gun powder make for a wonderful sent that swirls around me in the air.Lovely day aint it. Thank you Lord for allowing me to have a day that you made for me

I took this new gun of mine to the range and had a field day with it.In the beginning i was all over the paper but once i got the hang of how this gun shoots,i was amazed.Mind you i'm no expert sharpshooter but at 25 yards was able to stand and hit the 10 ring on the edge of the red dot 3 times with no bench rest.

I didn't get a chance to clean the gun in time to take it to the range,but it still went through 200 rounds with no ill effects or jams.Oh and something else,man i have come to love the .45 round.


Claims Rep.

New member

Glad to hear you enjoyed the day with your new .45. As long as your happy with the trade then that is all that matters.

lee n. field

New member
I guess i shouldn't say never.Before that very instant when he handed me the gun,i didn't want a .45 ever.I don't know why but the .45 just never apealed to me.I'm going shooting it tomorrow.

.45'll grow on ya. Easy to shoot, easy and forgiving to handload.

Shoot the heck out of it. Glocks have virtues.

Glock 21 SF(what is a SF),

Short Frame. It means it's fairly recent.

should i have traded or not.

If the Smith belonged to your Dad, your Grandpa, your favorite uncle, or somebody famous, probably not. Otherwise, can't tell you.

what's a gap

"45 GAP" is Glock's own .45 cartridge, with his name on it. Shorter, higher pressure, not real popular.