Shots on campus


New member
I'm not sure if this goes here or not, but it doesn't seem like it'd quite fit in S&T.

Anyway, about an hour ago as of this post (around 5:30 PM PDT), I was walking home from my office, which is located on my university's campus (I'm the production manager/layout editor of the university newspaper), when I heard what sounded an awful lot like a gunshot. I looked around but didn't see anyone other than some people and dogs playing with some Frisbees, and no one else really reacted to it, despite the fact it sounded like it was coming from close by. So at this point, I figured it was a starter pistol and maybe the cross country team was practicing, though I didn't see any runners.

I walked another dozen or so yards before I heard it again. Only this one was followed by what sounded a lot like ricochet. :eek:

This time a girl who was walking near me jumped a bit and looked a little freaked out, but other than that she didn't even pick up her pace. I looked around and again saw nothing.

I had my cellphone out and was ready to call police if another shot rang out or saw someone with a gun, but it didn't happen again. The rest of my walk was uneventful, though a bit on edge.

Normally, I'd dismiss it as simply being a starter pistol, but the ricochet sound is making me wonder. It sounded like a small caliber pistol, which would fit with either the cap gun theory or actual gunshots, and it sounded like the shooter was within a hundred or so yards.

I'll tell you one thing, though: it made me ****** off that I'm not allowed to carry a gun with me due to school policies. It wouldn't have made a difference in this case, as I didn't see anyone and I am not sure if it was an actual gunshot, but it definitely highlighted how exposed and defenseless you are on a college campus; if it had been a real shooter, I'd have been unable to do anything except call the clean up crew and hope I could find some good cover. :mad:


New member
I'd say report it--why not? Perhaps some moron with a .22 is being irresponsible. Or worse--you may prevent future harms that may arise in the event it's some kook....


New member
I thought about it. It's a bit late now, though.

Had I seen a police car going by I probably would have flagged them down, but the fact I didn't see anything kept me from calling in. Didn't want to cause a major incident if it was just the cross country team with their starter pistol. Being a college campus, they likely would have shut the entire place down until they could clear all the buildings.

There were a lot of other people around, and I'm kind of surprised none of them did anything.


Didn't want to cause a major incident if it was just the cross country team with their starter pistol.

Better than causing a major incident calling in "someone's been shot!" A real gunshot has a sound all its own. Lead and (I think) brass or copper jacket bullets won't make a ricochet sound. Takes steel on rock, cement, etc.