Shots Fired in San Jose


New member
San Jose, CA 9:30 PM August 28,2002
My next door neighbor went into the street near his home and observed suspicious men. He fired in the air while running after them to scare them away. He said they were tampering with his car. A vehicle fled the scene. Many of the neighbors called 911.

The first visible response came from neighbors, we were incredulous. This guy has been a problem for years. We are all very skeptical about his story. The skepticism was so deep that we stood around unarmed to watch the cops. He said that they fled while he was shooting, but continued to search the bushes with a flashlight and gun long after the incident..

The police chopper flew over with FLIR and the squad cars tried to block the streets to prevent escape. No one was caught. It was probably more than ten minutes before he was disarmed. They put him in cuffs. I don't know the final outcome or charge.
He did tell several different stories while I was there.


New member
Followup --
I called the San Jose PD for a followup. They said the written report will take about three days and it will not be available to uninvolved parties. Case number is 02-240-1078. I will post the outcome as info becomes available.


New member
That gave me a great laugh. This guy was a toxic waste dumper that couldn't be caught or prosecuted.

While we were standing around, I met some of my neighbors. One is a 13 year old NRA member visiting her super liberal grandparents. When they complained about guns she spoke right up and reminded them that it was a constitutional right. Smart kid.
Thanks for the laugh -- Mike


New member
The police said that their first notice of the crime was a silent alarm -- not the 911 calls. This probably means that the shooter went back inside and set off the silent alarm after firing. Then yelled for neighbors to call 911! The police report apparently doesn't have the 911 call times in it because the computer report doesn't have any information after first notification. Amazing -- I didn't know that my neighbor had that much presence of mind to go back and set off the alarm would allow a later defense of saying that there was a break in -- if the perps aren't caught. Hmmmm.