Shots are going left


New member
Here is a question...
I recently purchased a new Glock 19 with fixed sights. I took it to the range and put about 200 rounds of UMC through it. My shots were going left. Me being right handed, I had to aim all the way to the right of the target to get the shots centered on the paper. I was getting good groupings, but could not figure out why the shots were going left. I thought maybe it was because I was used to shooting my Kel-Tec (the long trigger pull and all). But, I never had this problem with the Kel-Tec. Any thoughts out there? Am I doing something wrong, is it the ammo? I am sure that any ideas anybody may have will be helpful. Thanks


New member
Try it with the other hand. Then get another decent shooter to try it. If it still shoots left......signt/sights improperly installed. Have seen that on a few recent guns.



New member
I too had the same problem with my first Glock G19 and finally figured out that it was me and not the gun. If your at an indoor range see if they have some type of stationary rest to use when shooting. I used a two piece plastic type of rest with a "Y" that was padded and my shots were dead center at 7 yds. It wasnt the gun. The rest made me realize that it wasnt the sights. It was me all along. I practiced shooting my other firearms most of the time SA only. With the Glock being my first DAO pistol it took em a bit to get my groups to center instead of left. Trigger pull for me was the key. Try it and let us know how the outcome was.


New member
I had a feeling that it was me all along, but I will have one of the guys at the range shoot it and see how that goes. I will let you guys know what the deal was. I am kind of thinking that it is the trigger pull. Going from a Kel-Tec to a Glock trigger pull is a big deal. Either way I will let you know. thanks for the suggestion

Navy joe

New member
I'd say you're jerking your other fingers along with the trigger finger when you fire. Lock your arms out and squeeeze slowly.


New member
P-99er, thats the same chart the range guy gave me with the rest when I shot my G19 too. Put 6 shots damn near in the same hole dead center with the rest. Knew after that it wasnt the gun.


New member
Check your finger in squezing the trigger, does your wrist move a lot. I believe that it is caused of too much pressure on your trigger finger. This can be corrected by many ways.


New member
Fixed it

I guess I just had to get used to the Glock trigger pull. I shot 200 rounds through it the other day and I got the trigger pull figured out. The first 10 or so rounds went a little bit left. But after that, eurika! Everything was center mass of the target I was using (and where I was aiming). Thinks for the help with my problem.