Shotgun in car, Canada?


New member
I can't get any straight-up info.

Is it legal for me to drive around with an unloaded shotgun (moss 500) in open view in my car, with ammo nearby (in my pockets) as long as I lock up the gun when I leave the car?

THe law says yes, but people have been arrested before.
THe RCMP frankly do not know and have to look it up.

What do you say?
Could be sort of a protest.


New member
Just like I wouldn’t use reloading advice from a forum without checking to make sure it is safe I don’t think I’d take legal advice either.

Check with the police they’re the ones that are going to arrest you or let you go.

Check with a lawyer, not just any lawyer, check with one who will stand with you in court if it comes down to that.

Check with your elected officials, the ones who are making your laws and again, make sure they will put their name behind it and ‘go on the record’ with the advice they give you.

The law should be the same for everyone and written down so everyone can understand it. The police should NOT be able to interpret it to suit their individual desires. Note: individual citizens should not be able to do this either.

Before you make a 'protest' out of this I'd do the checks above and make sure you have set up legal aid ahead of time.


New member
Dear OP: I assume from the manner in which you're asking the question that you are probably not a Canadian citizen.
Could be sort of a protest.
Be aware that most countries- not just Canada- are very unforgiving about audacious and quasi-legal "protest" actions by non-citizens, especially when they involve dangerous weapons.
Before you make a 'protest' out of this I'd do the checks above and make sure you have set up legal aid ahead of time.
^^^What he said.


New member
If I'm in the car it only has to be unloaded. Once I exit I need to lock it up out of sight. THose are the only laws.

But you could still be arrested or charged...

But you would be following the law.

I am Canadian.
It would be better to do this with a Garand, because that has a higher capacity than any other semi-automatic non-restricted weapon, and one could load it faster that a shotgun.

People who have been stopped by the police often find the police don't have a clue about the law, and have to look it up.

Remember the groundskeeper who got handcuffed and was then kicked in the face by the RCMP officer after firing his shotgun to scare off birds?