Shotgun For Trap


New member
I'm new to trap shooting. I have purchased several shotguns which either don't fit me, or I don't like. Money out of the window, bye!

My first trap gun was a small Winchester 12/24 pump. After shooting several times with this little sucker, an experienced shooter pointed out that my shotgun didn't fit. The stock was too short, and he was right.

My 2nd attempt was a Winchester automatic 12/26. I shot 3 rounds of trap with it today and did just OK for a beginner. The rubber band was a distraction. I also learned today that I should purchase a shotgun especially made for trap shooting.

I really like shooting a pump, but I don't think a pump is right for trap. An automatic would be fine, but not the Winchester because there is no shell catcher currently available, anywhere.

An O/U would be great, but probably unaffordable. I'm over 65 and my wife and I live on a fixed income. I probably can find $800 to $1,000 somewhere for my next shotgun. Can anyone recommend something in that price range that will work, as opposed to buying another shotgun, I won't be happy with?

Much Obliged


New member
A Remington 1100 Trap model, which can easily be fitted with a shell catcher, might work. I saw a new one at Gander Mountain for about $750.

For a shell catcher, try Brownells They have them in stock.Here

Stock fit can be a problem for some people. You might ask some of the experienced shooters for help.

Single shot Trap guns can sometimes be found on the used market. Best place to find one is the bulletin board at the Trap club.


New member
If you like pumps, get an old 870 Wingmaster. These are not too hard to find and well under your budget. I do believe that Dave McC. and his posse shoot pumps and do quite well.
I think he calls them "The geezer squad" or some such thing.
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New member
A pump is a fine trap gun, if it is set up right for the individual. I shoot a M12 trap gun from about 1963. A good single shot that is made for trap is another option but they suck for doubles. :p

Here is a place to look at a good selection.

Just put in "trap" in the search.