Shotgun for home defense


New member
I've owned rifles and many handguns, but I think I would like to get a shotgun to keep at the ready for home defense. Looking at the selection in the gun store, it appeared that I have at least two choices of moderately priced guns to choose from: The Remington 870 and the Mossberg 500. Any thoughts on which of these is the better choice for my needs or are there others I should be considering?


New member
Both are excellent guns. The safety on the Mossberg is a bit more ambidextrous but aside from that they are both on the same page (Mossberg is probably going to be a little bit cheaper new or used). I also belive that Benelli makes a tactical model of the Nova pump. If you are looking to spend a bit more money the Benelli M1 Super 90 is sweet. Just my .02


New member
Either or evena better answer... BOTH. I have mutlple 870s, 1 mossie (soon the 2nd), and a benelli. Best thing is to fire each and see which one you like. I like the 870s since owning 1 for 15 years, being issued one in the marines, and I think it feels better than the mossie in terms on sloppy-ness. But you can not go wrong with either.



New member
If you plan on giving it a pistol grip then go with the 870.It allows you to
manipulate the safty without moving your hand from the pistol grip.
The 870's are a tad bit heavier than the 500's/590's but if you do a riot gun
configuration than the extra weight isn't really a bad thing since it allows you the fire multiple shots without the muzzle jumping as high.I'd go with the 870.


New member
hey spoolup,,,, nice shot guns

i have an 870 and 1100,,, be hard to pick just one

i like them Remingtons

my personal taste on a shot gun is just a regular stock,,,, like the mossburg in the pic,,, i just think they handle better,,, but hay,,,, different strokes

get the 870



New member
I like the Mossberg 500...More user friendly location of the saftey and slide release, shell elevator does not get in the way when loading, duel shell ejectors, and larger standard magazine capacity...The 870 is also a fine weapon, but I prefer the Mossberg for the above reasons...And it costs less.


New member
Mossy - mine came with a 28" rifled slug barrell and a shorter 24" (I think) shot barrell. I paid less than $300 at Wally for it and its been a fine gun.


New member
For HD, I went with an 870 Express Magnum. I keep 00's in it for HD role.
The Butler Creek folding stock is okay, but I had to add a Limbsaver to it.



New member
I'm also looking at getting the Mossberg 500 Cruiser model with the pistol grip for SD, But I don't know if I should get the 20g or the 12g. I'm thinking there are a bunch of people that use 12g, but I know that a 410 has the kncokdown of a 357mag, s0 I think the 20g might be suitable and cheaper.


New member
My preference is for the Mossy, and while looking at picking up another one I came across the Maverick 88, a cloned Mossberg. It was at Walmart for $165.

I'll be leaving it hidden in the truck, always available to theft/confiscation/ or emergency use.


New member
Either the Remington 870 or the Mossberg 500 are fine guns for HD. Both can be purchased new in a HD configuration. Depending on how you may want to modify it, one or the other might be better suited to your needs. Typically, left handers prefer the Mossberg due to the placement of the safety. If you're going to put pistol grip on the shotgun, a Remington might be better.

I have both, and they have both proven rugged and reliable.


New member
I own one of each and I love 'em both, but if I was forced to choose I think I'd pick my Mossberg 20" 8 shot. Not that it's necessarily better than the Remington, Mossbergs just appeal to me.
(First post here on TFL by the way).
As far as quality, I do not think there is a difference between the two. They are both excellent firearms. Best thing I would recommend would be to actually hold and work both of them, and go with whichever one feels better to you.

Personally, I prefer semi-autos so I would be looking at a Remington 11-87 but that is just me.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
After admiring the fine shotguns pictured above, I noted that most of them need something more than the many addons shown.



New member
Wear marks?

How's this:

Of course that is with a new barrel and after I Alumahided the darn thing. It didn't stay on very well. Even a trace of the silver is showing over the exection port:eek: and the loading gate I suppose when my Wingmaster gets back from refinish I will need to re-bless it, It's only 30 or so years old.