shotgun ammo sources

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
I don't order stuff over the net, I'd rather call a toll free number and use plastic. Guess I'm old-fashioned(G).

I got the R/R Estate 00 from Natchez Shooting Supplies, and bought the KO Brennekes from Kent at a chain store, the aptly named Dick's.

A local range sells cheap Fiocchi target loads for $38 a case, and there's always Walmart.



New member
I have done virtually all my online ordering from Natchez. I wait for them to offer good quality ammo, then buy a small supply. I do not shoot SG very much so I don't need that much. I combine it with orders for other specials and save some money while getting what I want/need.


New member
9mmMike, I second your opinion of The Ammoman...especially with Natchez's supply of Esate Cartridge dried up...glad to have picked up a case of their RR 00 buck (now if I can only get in some range time...)

PS: I've ordered by phone from the Ammoman, though I check for their web specials. I gotta love their complimentary fridge magnet, scares the crap out of the local uppity folks...