Shot thru boot and foot... Old Thread search...


Staff In Memoriam
I DID try the search function with several key word attempts to no avail...
I expect it was closed. The images just came up on a fishing forum and I am trying to research the story and date that was posted here on TFL...
Anyone remember and able to help me out...
Here is one image to remind.



New member
I recall this being attributed to a trap shooter with a 20ga.
Some shooters are in the habit of resting their gun on top of their shoe, with the muzzle nestled between the first two toes...some shooters forget the first two safety rules...some shooters run out of luck before they run out of stupid.
I'm sorry I can't provide a rough date off the top of my head, but it is one of my better-liked safety examples.


Staff In Memoriam
Yeah, I was hoping to find the ol' thread for the date and details... this was attributed to recent fast draw of a .45 accident in the fishing forum...


New member
Here ya go

I found this blog entry from 2009, but I seem to remember it being just a bit earlier than that.
At any rate, even the hole in the boot is clearly over half an inch. Whenever I see it attributed to a .45, I just have to shake my head. I can provide good pics of what a .45" hole looks like, and they don't get cone-shaped that quickly.


New member
i have seen that photo with the boot off and on. The boot off photo is not pretty. There is an expanding wound between the big toe and second and most of the bottom of the big toe is gone as is much of the second. Think pyramid shape and you get the picture. The story I saw with the photo was that he was resting his shotgun on his boot and "somehow" it discharged.

Uncle Buck

New member
I think ArticNemo has found the story associated with the picture Hogdogs posted. The accompanying story and photos of the guys foot seems to ad credibility to the story about how it happened.

The shoe in the picture is of the same make and the stain around the bullet hole is correct.

I have seen this photo in other forums and they have had it attributed to a shotgun, a large caliber pistol or rifle. Nice to see the actual blog with the pictures attached.


New member
Oh ya mean this one?????Accidental discharge, was the thread where I posted pics of this mishap!!:rolleyes: And by the way it was a .45 acp, and the guy was lucky he didn't pull it back into his foot deeper!!!:eek: Hog dogs pm me and I'll email these to you buddy!;)