Shot some 22lr thru a standard 9mm Glock


New member
That got your attention :D If you believed that..... boy... gullible :eek:

Nah, just wanted to brag.... went to an indoor range in Sydney last weekend and hosed a heap thru the Glock, P22 & Vaquaros

Met up with a great bunch of soldiers (off duty)... They haven't had alot to do with revolvers, so they had a blast with the 44 mag Vaquaros (we shot 800 rounds between us thru the 2 Vaquaros alone)

They had a few Sigs (10mm), M&P's) One of the guys liked my P22, we all had a blast.... intended to stay a couple of hours, ended up staying 5 1/2 hours.... lol

The pics are of the first target, before I met the soldiers, from the Glock 34 @ 30 meters, & 6 from the Vaquaro at the same distance




If Glocks aren't accurate.... well, mine is :D


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New member

I was pulling your chain, mate :D I didn't fire any 22 thru the glock... was just to make your heads spin :eek:

Might not have been a 10mm Sig, there was so many different guns & ammo around, they were just handing me mags and guns and saying 'here try this' while they were hogging the 44's, lmao.... might have been 40 or something.... had a funny lookin' case, bigger than 9x19

Had a blast tho.... they are going to come down to canberra soon, will find out & let you know ;)


New member
Could have even been the SP2022. That's about the blockiest P series they've got atm isn't it? The case could have been from anything. However I have seen some big ole fancy shiney metal cases from this series. Which was a 3 mag special deal. I wish I could remember where I seen it at. I'd post a link. I'll do some searching and try to post if no one else has in the mean time.
