Shot my first Action Pistol tonight!


New member
I just got back about an hour ago from my first action pistol shoot at my local gun club. That was alot of fun, and good practice/training for sd situations.

It is a "shoot for fun" weekly event. They charge $3 and you get to go through as many sessions until dark. They keep your score by time, which i'm sure some of you are familiar with.

I will definatly try and go back every week if I can continue to find ammo. It was cool to see all the different guns people were shooting. Probably around 6 of the 30 or so people were women, and guns ranged from .22 to .45's.

I shot pretty good for my first time I though. It was crazy how I got the adrenaline rush going compared to just shooting at a target. It was much more difficult than just plinking at targets. I did wound a "hostage" once so I gotta work on that :eek:

I had my first FTE with my new gun, but I am pretty sure I can blame it on myself. It happened on a session where you had to switch to you weak hand and I am pretty sure I limp wristed it pretty badly. So I'll work on that next time to the range.


New member
Congrats... and welcome to the addiction! These types of matches are a great place to work on your gunhandling/marksmanship skills. Everyone has a plan until the buzzer goes off! :D


New member
Thats exactly how it was soon as I would start, you feel the pressure and it was easy to lose focus of your plan. Like I stayed kneeled down once and shot two bad guys, when I was supposed to shoot one, then get up and shoot through a window.

I think my problem was I was rushing too much. Gotta slow down and worry more about the targets than my time.


New member
Congrats!!! I still haven't gotten up the mustard to shoot it at my club, then again my schedule is pretty full and my weekend priorities are on the bottom for now. I figure when my daughter is older and starts to do her own things then I can too, for now I gotta get in as much time with her as I can. I figure this summer, at the farm, I'll intro her to my 10/22... she is 6.

Speaking of that, despite the rain, we are headed to the pool.



New member
Yea, once you try it you'll be hooked. I understand though....Im almost married, with no kids so I dont have much to commit to. Just wait til she's old enough to go to the shoots with you! There was a guy and his daughter up there....She was pry 20-21 years old. She was shootin a .45 and was very impressive with the gun. Doupletaping in the chest, one in the head.

Somethin to look forward to ........


New member
Hey Tophe. Fancy meeting you here. That was my daughter there with the 1911. Mine, but somehow I always seem to wind up shooting something else at action pistol.

I was going to say see you next week, but her brother is graduating, so see ya the week after. You can't beat it for 3 bucks. Keep coming, concentrate on precision, not speed. You'll be amazed at how quickly you improve.