Shot in face with .40 and still alive


New member
Mikeyboy, it is a big myth that a head shot is an instant kill. There are many who have survived head shots even with high powered rifles !! The hard rounded skull deflects many bullets. Other bullets do only relatively minor damage if they don't hit critical parts of the brain. A bullet in any part of the body must hit a critical part to do the job.


New member

Did you read the part about the guy being listed in critical condition? That means that his life is still in danger and he very well could die. Did that one shot from the .40 S&W end the fight? That is the more important question to ask. We shoot to stop, not to kill.

The story is also lacking in information. While it says that the man was shot in the face, it did not specify what part of the face he was strunk and what the angle of bullet was. While getting shot in the jaw would be painful as hell, it is not necesarily life threatening. If the shot passed through his cheeks, it would also fail to be a deadly shot. Thw .40 S&W has plenty of power to penetrate the skull provided that the angle the skull is struck at is relatively flat. Deflection is still possible at sharp angles, but the shot will still cause injury and possibly reduce that person's ability to fight.

While there are no such thing as guaranteed one stop shots (maybe the .50 BMG at point blank range) most of us can only carry handguns. The most important thing is to keep shooting until the threat is neutralized.
oh dear, here we go again:rolleyes:

It said in the face, that doesnt mean "head" meaning he could have cought one on the upper lip and with the teeth and palat and maybe the jaw assembly the bullet slowed down enough so as not to cause incapacitating damage???
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New member
While getting shot in the jaw would be painful as hell, it is not necesarily life threatening.
True. In 1794 when the French revolution went sour the leftist leader Maximillien Robespierre was shot in the jaw as he was captured. Though he was in a great deal of pain he lived until his date with the guillotine the next day.

Today he is just a footnote of history but his rhetorical skill easily equaled that of modern leftists.


New member
...Today he is just a footnote of history but his rhetorical skill easily equaled that of modern leftists....

Until he got shot in the jaw. Bet that shut him up. If not, the removal of his head probably put an end to his rhetoric...:)
Chase, the face is part of the head and that is part of the problem os the headshot myth. If you don't hit anything critical, then results can be way less than adequate.


A couple of yrs ago a local kid killed his dad with a .270 and then took off in dad's pickup. Us, and a couple of other LEAs, located him and the chase was on. He ended up dumping the truck in a field and then set his chin on the muzzle of the .270 and attempted to kill himself. It blew off the lower portion of his face but he's still alive, sitting in jail now, and awaiting trial.


New member
As an ex LEO, all I have to say is HOLY SHI*, Why in hell did Capt. Tucker not have a sidearm??? Left it at the office!!! :eek: GO BACK AND GET IT BEFORE YOU CALL YOURSELF IN!!!

Or grab the shot gun. Most LE vehicles have them.-----------wow