Shot guns SOLD-OUT in Austria


New member
My "bride" is from the UK and keeps up with the local news post. She brought this to my attention: Shotguns have 'virtually sold out' in Austria as citizens rush to buy arms amid fears of a massive influx of migrants, dealers claim. There are now thought to be estimated 900,000 firearms in Austrian homes.
Police say around 70,000 guns have been sold this year alone in Austria.
Dealers say shotguns have almost sold out because you don't need permit.
Women are driving the sales rush as fears grow amid influx of refugees---Read more:

Interesting turn in European views. Especially troublesome is the focus on purchases by females. Glad I live in "hillbilly" USA where we cling to our guns, flag and bibles.


New member
I have heard from a friend of mine working in the Netherlands that caches of Wehrmacht stuff from 1945 are coming out. Can't say if it's true or not, but that is what he is hearing.


New member
So I guess some European countries are finally realizing the usefulness of firearms it seems. Interesting how sometimes even the most anti-gun people all of a sudden realize how nice it is to own a firearm when faced with a situation in which they might need one.

Wehrmacht stuff from 1945

Hmm, maybe a few STG44's in there? Would be interesting if true.


New member
This is not the first time this has happened, even in recent memory. As I recall, it was a Ukrainian party who called for the addendum of a right to bear arms to their new constitution after some months of violent protest and political change. It seems the protestors were not comfortable having just Daisy air rifles to use to defend themselves.
Yeah, I'm sure this pleases good ol' "Shoot 'Em Through The Door" Joe.

The migrant situation there is very terrible for the European people. They are ruining themselves letting in all these jihadists.

Although I'm not sure I buy that "they're almost sold out" of shotguns, because a picture I saw of a gun shop there with one of those stories showed a full rack of O/Us. If they're almost sold out, why is the rack full? Probably hyperbole.


New member
Amazing... America is often accused of being racist, judgemental, and gun-toting nuts...

Now there is an influx of refugees (not immigrants, not jihadists, refugees...) and human nature shines through! It isn't a matter of American's being crazy people, it is a matter of Europeans deluding themselves and not being honest with their fears! I spend a lot of time in Europe, and at the core they are certainly not evolved or more advanced than Americans. They have the same fears for the family's safety, and when an unknown forseen circumstance (refugees) appears, viola, they want weapons to defend themselves. That's just natural. Some relatives jokingly asked me to bring over some of "America's guns." :)

Nickel Plated

New member
Although I'm not sure I buy that "they're almost sold out" of shotguns, because a picture I saw of a gun shop there with one of those stories showed a full rack of O/Us. If they're almost sold out, why is the rack full? Probably hyperbole.

Probably because many of those O/Us cost more than your car.

I'd like to say that maybe this will change the European's view of gun control. But knowing what happened in Britain after WW2, I doubt it.

Those guns will all end up in smelters or at the bottom of the Mediterranean in a few years when they think the crisis is over and they no longer "need" them.

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It just proves that Austrians are not immune to panic buying. :rolleyes:

Bet its tough to find .22s over there right now, too! :p


New member
I wonder what the gun buying situation in many countries looks like after the Paris attacks. In a way, that almost vindicated the acts of the Austrians


New member
I was hearing stories about hidden caches of Wehrmacht stuff when I was in Germany 45 years ago. It does make for a good story, I suppose.


New member
Europeans are just as fearful of strangers as anyone else, rationally or not. Because they're humans. More guns are good, though, and I'll take a good shotgun into a fight any day.