Shot Capsules in a Carbine?


New member
I've fired a couple in my Marlin with no problems. I've shot most shot capsules in .357 and 44 mag pistols though. I would load them directly into the chamber singly and not try to cycle them through the action though. Only problems I've had were when loading them in a revolver and firing a full powered .357 or .44 magnum round with a "snake load" in another chamber. I had some shot capsules move forward in the case and bind up the cylinder. The blue plastic of the shot capsule is brittle and would break if jammed into the feed ramp etc. and forced with the cocking lever.


New member
I've fired several out of my 1894 Winchester .45. No problems. Wouldn't do it regularly, but on occasion they are fun to mess around with. You would have to fire a hell of a lot of them to worry about any damage to your rifling.

Mine were relatively low pressure, so any additional compression from the tube mag spring didn't raise any cause for concern. If you are loading high pressure rounds, I wouldn't risk that and load them singly in the chamber.