Shot at picnic


New member
My brother-in law and his friends were shot at yesterday while they were attending a friends FAMILY picnic. His Friend(who is the nicest guy) was hit in the stomach, hip and arm(?) with a .357. The police caught 1 of the suspects, I hear there are 3 others at large. Last night my Mother-in law recieved several phone calls harrassing her, they said she would be next, and they are coming back to finish the job. I will admidt that my brother-in law is not a model citizen(not a fellon either), but I think harrassing my mother-in law is below the belt. I had her call the police and let them know about the calls. The police said they will look into the calls, but not to worry too much. They said it was probably some local kids playing games...uh yeah..:rolleyes: My question is should I worry, and what should I do, IF ANYTHING?


New member
Well, the police could be right. On the other hand, she is your mother.

Depending on how far apart you live, I would move in for a while, or have her move in with me. I don't know if you live in a CCW state and have license.

Is there any reason why this happened to begin with?


New member
To be totally honest I dont know why this happened. Im sure this is somehow gang related, or at the very least retaliation for something. I dont have all the answers yet. Like I said My brother-in law is not a model citizen, but I fear for my family. I live in RI, and Im 26. In RI it is near impossible to obtain a CCW. I believe this is a "may" issue state(?). I was thinking of staying over for a few nights, I want to see what happens, and get some answers.


Staff Alumnus
Shouldn't need a CCW for a 12-gauge kept at home. I don't know about RI's laws on self-defense in one's home; it would behoove you to ask a lawweasel.

In the meantime, be alert and take the usual precautions. Don't stand in front of windows, make sure the doors are locked at all times. Does M-I-L have a dog, preferably one that really doesn't like strangers?

Finally, don't waste a lot of energy asking "Why me?" If someone has it out for you for any reason, deal solely with the threat. Motivations can be questioned later.

Finally, good luck, and don't depend on anyone to save your bacon but yourself.


New member
Even if it could be done, Geneb, (which i don't think it can), it's too late now to wait for the state to get off it's fat rear and issue it; permit would arrive 3 months from now at best.

I agree that a 12ga in the home will be no problem, but with active phoned threats and the attempt on the life of a family member or close friend, i'd be carrying illegally if i had to ... but that's just me and this isn't legal advice.

don't depend on anyone to save your bacon but yourself.

words of wisdom.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
It's never too late; apply now to have a CCW in time for the next time you need it. If this ever blows over, have a long talk with your BIL about actions that endanger the family.

Finally, I don't think this belongs in L&P. I'm going to shift it over to General; don't worry, you won't feel a thing.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Please tell your mother-in-law about Mothers Arms ( ), and their principle of "First Defense" (see ).

It's pretty straightforward. Most of us learned first aid when we were kids. It's what you do to save life until the professionals get there.

Same principle with First Defense. It is what you do to protect and save innocent life until the professionals get there. People should have the freedom to choose their preferred safety rescue tools, and they have a responsibility and right to protect themselves and their families until the LEO's arrive to take the BG's away.

Another resouce (except for the cynical anti-self defense rhetoric) is "The Gift of Fear" by de Becker.

Good luck and take care.

Regards from AZ