Shot an mp5 full auto today


New member
So I went over to the gunshop were I used to work, to see the new toys.

And inside was a really tall buff guy, that was buying pretty much everything in sight, he claimed to be a former Arena Football player, and now a personal trainer for upscale customers of the local fitness club.

Well we were talking about what we keep loaded around the house, and for the most part everyone in the shop kept a loaded 12gauge Moss or Rem.

He said he kept an mp5 as his house defense weapon, we laughed a little, mostly because we doubted he owned an mp5...especially a full auto one.

Well he walked out with about 1000 dollars in ammo and other odds and ends thing, came back about 30 minutes later WITH AN MP5....FULL AUTO....

Well I nagged him for about 10 minutes about letting me fire a mag into the catch can in the back of the shop...

Man I love MP5s....and rich people that let poor people like me shoot them.


I keep a mag loaded with XM193 for my FNC in the safe. If you got an auto, why not use it to save your own bacon?

If a home invader busts down your door is it gonna matter how many times you ventilate him in the first 3 seconds or how much noise you make? Then again I'm in TX and not some commie state where self defense is outlawed.

Wish those MP5s weren't so damn expensive. They're pushing $13-15k these days. :(

model 25

New member
I don't own an MP5 any more and I don't leave my full auto ready for use. I live in a nice neighborhood that I don't want to fill with holes should the occasion arrive. I keep my 12 guage loaded for close social encounters as it has less penetration that might hurt my neighbors.

Really though I don't think the subgun has a good place for defense anymore even for cops. The M4 is small and more powererfull and with fradgile bullets you have little over penetration. Plus the 4 is way more accurate. Subguns on the otherhand are lots of fun:D :D



New member
The only bad thing about full-auto is you have to learn how to use it safely, and that gets very expensive.
Actually, they are very easy to learn to shoot well. I taught my kids to shoot my MP5 with no troubles at all. They had the whole concept of trigger control down in less than one mag. I showed them what I wanted and after shooting it on semi for a few shots, switched it to full and they could easily give me two to three round bursts on demand. Once they showed me they could control the trigger and how to properly shoot it, they got a full mag. Oh, they were 5 and 6 when they started. They had to stand on a chair in the booth so they could shoot over the bench. They really are that easy to learn. :)

Once you learn the technique, the SMG is very easy to shoot well with. This goes for both open and closed bolt guns. I'd much rather have one over a 12ga., and my wife can actually shoot one much easier than a shotgun. It doesnt have the blast or recoil of the rifles and shotguns, making it a very good weapon for smaller statured people. Its usually more compact and maneuverable than the others too. To me, a suppressed SMG would make the most sense for an all around home defense gun.


I'm not talking about the recoil because thats not a problem, I don't even feel the kick of an AR-15 not even pressure from full-auto. I'm talking about the trigger group itself. Shooting controlled burst does take practice. More subguns and rifles today feature a burst mode making learning alot faster.


New member
I got to shoot a few rounds through one about the same way. Fellow at the range asked if he could shoot my Kel-Tec, P-11. After he'd shot it he asked if I'd like to try what he had. I said "Sure." He pulled an MP-5 out of the bag under the table, and said "go to it." I didn't even empty the magazine because I didn't want to waste his ammo, but it sure was fun.


New member
I have a semi MP5 clone that is a really fun weapon. My state wont allow full auto.:(

Anyway, that being said, why would anyone use a full auto weapon for home defence? What would the lawyers, jurors and media say about it? Sure, the punk that broke into your house deserves to eat a few rounds. But imagine what it would sound like on the news. The victim (homeowner) would immediately be turned into the criminal.


New member
Anyway, that being said, why would anyone use a full auto weapon for home defence? What would the lawyers, jurors and media say about it? Sure, the punk that broke into your house deserves to eat a few rounds. But imagine what it would sound like on the news. The victim (homeowner) would immediately be turned into the criminal.
Who cares what anyone has to say, and why does it even matter? I find the fact that people even bring this up, especially gun people, is very annoying. I dont apologize to anyone for how I choose to defend myself, or for my sport. Its none of their damn business. If they dont like it, oh well. The fact you even feel that you have to cater to them and/or try to explain or justify yourself is BS. I guess its a good thing my weapon of choice for home defense isnt a machete, eh. Think of what that might look like on the 6 o'clock news. Me standing there all bloody with my hair sticking up and body parts all over the living room.


New member
You're right. It is nobodys business how we defend ourselves. Unfortunately, the world we live in already looks down upon gun owners. The anti's will spin it anyway that they can.

"Local police officer shoots suspect with knife 17 times." Blame the cop, right? You get the idea.


New member
Who cares what anyone has to say, and why does it even matter?

With respect, you should care, and it does matter in the real world.

Police Chiefs, District Attorneys, etc. are, for the most part, political creatures.

Repeated bold headlines in your local fish wrapper "Man mows down alleged attackers with machine gun -- neighborhood lives in fear of another deadly barrage!", "Machine gun toting gun nut shows no remorse", "Parents say "My children in danger from maniac with machine gun!" may very well motivate these politicians to prosecute you, no matter what the facts are.

You may win, but your life could still be ruined -- even an innocent verdict cannot give you back the 1 1/2 to 2 years of your life and the $100,000 you spend on defending yourself.

So, if you want to use a machine gun, go ahead, it is your right. But think about it first.


New member
So at what point will it ever be acceptable to those you are trying to appease? By this way of thinking, you really shouldnt use anything but the phone, and a prayer, eh?

I understand fully what your trying to say, its the fact that your saying it is what pisses me off. ;)


Anyone ever hear about any news regarding people actually using a fully auto gun in self defence (anyone see any of those the the nra magazine stories)...did it ruin anyone's life due to a misguided anti?


You will care when the cops show up and find that the badguy was turned into swiss cheese from your $10,000.00+ subgun when they confiscate it as evidence.
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New member
You will care when the cops show up and find that the badguy was turned into swiss cheese from your $10,000.00+ subgun when they take confiscate it as evidence.
just like your $1200 Wilson or HK P7, and it will be returned after it proves to be a good shoot. So whats your point?


$1,200.00 Wilson, maybe the polymer framed Wilson, if they still make it but not the rest. Shootings get passed on to the media and then the Brady Bunch.


Just thought of something...would you want to have to clean up after riddling any bg full o holes? I wouldnt. but i wouldn't want to clean up after a 45 either...screw it, fill em with holes!