Shot a Marlin turnbolt in .17 HRM this weekend...

Futo Inu

New member
HRM, HMR, whatever. Friend of mine bought it - about $200.00. Anyway, it was one little neat, ACCURATE gun, even with me firing - using a Millett scope at about 6 power. Got some teensy 7-shot groups at 50 yards - under 1 inch not counting fliers - that even with a strong variable wind, which I presume affects that little 17 grain bullet significantly - so real good for my talents. Didn't try 100 yards yet, though. It's a fun gun!

Chad Young

New member
Your post reminded me of a visit a few weeks ago to a gun show in Orlando, FL. I, and several others, were failing miserably at convincing a guy not to shoot the .17 HMR in his old .22 Magnum. What a dumbass!