Shot a Kahr yesterday.


New member
A K9 to be specific. I don't usually like DOA pistols at all, but this one had a real smooth trigger. It was fairly long, but the pressure was very consistent (and light) throughout the pull. It was very easy to "surprise" myself with when the gun would go off. I shoot better in this manner because if I anticipate the 'bang', I flinch. All around, it is a very sexy gun. I would probably get one if I had not just picked up a FNX-9 recently.


New member
I have a K9 that I love.

The triggers take a bit of time to get used to but they are great guns.

I am planning on getting a CM9 soon


New member
Sexy, reliable, accurate and smooth. What's not to like? ;)

The K9 just sings in my hand. Beautiful pistols IMHO.



New member
I've got an MK40, a PM9 and a P380. They are all great so far. I just picked up the 9 a week ago lightly used at a reasonable price. Seems to have become my default ccw. :)


New member
Picked up a P9 tonight, Love it!
Didn't think it would be a smooth shooter for its size, but it's sweet.
Now to start lookin' for a holster.

chris in va

New member
You're right about the DA trigger. Somehow it erases the 'flinch' with that longer pull (which is only 3/8" BTW). I carry mine almost daily.


New member
I recently picked up a Kahr CW9 and it took some time getting used to the LONG trigger pull. It reminded me of my S&W J frame trigger pull but it's a nice gun and I now carry it often (along with the J frame and M&P 9c). I'm at about 700 rounds through the CW9 and it's running very nicely and I shoot it with speed and accuracy.


New member
I purchased a CM9 recently and am still in the process of evaluating it but so far, I like it. The OP is right about the trigger. For the type of guns they are (DAO striker), they are good triggers.