Shot 600 yards for first time.


New member
I've been shooting 400 yards for about a year but I was in no mans land yesterday at 600 yards. The wind was all over the place; left to right, right to left, swirls.... I told my daughter that I've never shot at a target that far away and because of the wind I'd be happy just to hit it. I fired 8 rounds and hit the target 7 times. My first 4 shots were hitting to the left and in front of the target (so I thought). The other 3 were hits because I could see the dust kicking up behind the target.

We went down to get the target and low and behold the first 4 shots hit at 7 o'clock and 12 inches below the target. I can cover that group with a soft ball. The other 3 hit left of the target at about 8, 9, and 11 o'clock with 5 inches between each shot. I was as happy as a pig in slop because I had no idea where the shots were hitting. I simply squared up on the center of the target, made sure each shot was a good one, and hoped for the best. Suffice it to say that I have a new found respect for those who shoot 600 yards and beyond. I will make adjustjments on my scope and go back to the range in a few weeks. I learned a whole bunch yesterday :)


New member
The Natureboy-- I started 600 yards last year.Needless to say i did not do near as good as you first time out.Great shooting,congrats. I kept plugging away at it all year and can say now i feel alot more at ease at that range.I remember first time out thinking to my self (Who the he-- do i think i am,this is insane),but it was a blast after a while. Keep us posted for next week. And what ya shooting?>:D


New member
Good for you N-B,
It is thrilling to hit a far away target.
However it is much more fun to do than watch. That is probably why we don't see any Real Marksmanship rifle shooting on Top Shot.
Like this, Here is a Model 700 or 77 or 70 etc. and a couple hundred rounds of quality ammunition and all day to get the feel of the rifle. Then the competition the next day. A 20 lbs tannerite can behind a 3" sweet spot-X-ring and a target that can be scored at 600 or more yards!
But again it can be boring to watch and not be able to do.
I also ask you what you are shooting??
Another poster linked this video on the Top Shot Thread,
Its a good one!


New member
I'm just glad I hit the darn target 7 outta 8 times. The softball sized 4 shot group just happened. Like I said, I thought I was hitting a few yards in front of the target and to the left. No wind flags or anything. It was one of those "why not" moments. By the way I was shooting a Remington Model 700, 7mm Rem Mag Sendero (non fluted barrel). I reload and was using 168gr SMK, 63.5 gr RE-22, Win case, and WLRM primer.

By the way, I saw that video about 3 weeks ago. Wasn't that something? I really appreciated what they did for "the old soldier". Not to mention the fact that he still has it. Lets hope that at that age we're still sending them down range.
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