Shortening a Mini-14 barrel - reliability question?


New member
There is an outfit that shortens the Mini-14 barrel by about 2-4". The company is called DRC custom. They say that this improves accuracy because the last few inches are the sloppiest on this barrel. Interesting concept. One concern I have would be the change in the gas port pressure effecting accuracy. Does anyone have experience with this?


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
As long as the cut is out beyond the port, it shouldn't affect the pressure by any noticeable amount. Shortening the barrel would only affect the length of time the pressure is applied, and that's probably not a factor.

If the pressure were somehow reduced, short-cycling might occur, but that wouldn't affect accuracy. Short-cycling would be solved by use of a weaker spring.

If the port is relocated to the rear, the pressure would be higher but a smaller port would deal with this.

Accuracy is affected by non-uniform barrel vibrations--the idea behind the shortening. The bullet is long gone from the muzzle by the time gas pressure overcomes the inertia of the operating-rod system.


Badger Arms

New member
No reliability concerns here. Ruger made their AC556 in 13.5" barrels with no modification to the port to my knowledge. You're looking at 2.5" maximum reduction in barrel length before it becomes illegal.

That is not what you need to do, in my opinion, to make the gun more accurate. Invest the money in a good trigger job and put a target crown on the gun before you waste your money cutting off the barrel. I'd spend my money on glass bedding, cryogenic treatment, and maybe a harmonic tuning weight before I cut the barrel. If you want a shorter barrel, fine, but don't look to get anything you wouldn't get with just a recrown. Never trust the opinion of somebody who's trying to sell you something.

"Trust me, I'm a military recruiter!"