Short shells and Mossbergs?


New member
Just for the fun of it, I was thinking of trying some of those short Aguila shells in the Wife's Mossberg with the pistol grip. But before I buy a case I was wondering if they would cycle. IIRC winchester's needed some modifications and I'm too lazy for that. Besides, the wife would kill me if I start weilding on her shotty.


New member
Winchester's are the only shotgun that will function reliably without modification, according to their website.
My savage works as well as my 1300. A friend has told me that he has no problems with his 870.
A Mossberg will not function because of the skeleton type elevator, without extending the little tab on the bottom of the elevator


New member
So I had it backwards then. Might get some to play with in her Ithica and Browning, not as much fun without the pistol grip tho'. If nothing else I know they'll work in my doubles.


New member
What joab said! My Winchester 1300 eats em up and spits em out. My Rem870, scary things happen to the spent cases! The Mossberg, don't try it! It is bad!