Short Barrel .45 expansion issues?????


New member
Has anyone been reading some of the latest talk on the subcompact .45 problems with ammo expansion? I just ordered a Taurus PT-145 and I am reading about some issues with hollow points. It seems like barrels shorter than 4" may be affected. A few ammo manufacturers have come up with short barrel ammo to combat this problem.


New member
I also have a PT145, and addressed the barrel length issue by getting Double Tap 185gr as my carry ammo. It is not +P but I'm sure has sufficient velocity out of the shorter barrel. If you like to stick to 230gr you can either go with the short barrel ammo (from Federal, I believe) or go +P. I don't think Taurus recommends +P in the PT145 (kinda hard to tell from the manual), but maybe using regular ammo for practice and +P for carry might be the way to go (though I won't recommend it myself ;)).

Good Luck,



New member
I keep Federal 165gr Hydra-Shoks in my 3" 45acp vs 230gr H-S for my 5". I'd love to see some tests using a 3" barrel to compare the 165gr H-S with Speer's 230gr short barrel offering. Especially noting that Speer assumes 4" is a short barrel.

michael t

New member
Corbon makes a non +P 160gr DPX for Compacts. They also make a 185+P DPX Both work fine .
In a poor boy test I shot win. 230 ball in a Para compact,at approx 20' at 1/4 " lexan failed to go thru. Stood inside my barn shot the wood walls and pulled the bullet from wall with fingers. Used my Commander with 4 1/4 barrel have hole in barn and Lexan.
I carry either of the Corbon in my Defender today. I am a eliver in the copper DPX


New member
Corbon makes a non +P 160gr DPX for Compacts. They also make a 185+P DPX Both work fine .

Thanks Michael t . That is where my research is leading me now. The standard (non +P) load DPX. It appears that this load has gained some confidence and popularity with shooters. Corbons web site is not too informative though. They need some work there. Thanks for the info.



Speer does indeed make the Gold Dot in a short barrel version if you're worried.

I personally fill my PT745 with the Taurus 185gr rounds topped with the same Barnes X-bullet copper hollowpoint that a lot of LEOs are apparently liking, since Cor-Bon is now using them, too. In every article I've seen, expansion of the design of the bullet seems to be very good.

It was designed by Taurus at the same time as the gun. When those run out, I'll likely get the Cor-Bons with the same bullet on them.