Short Barrel 300 Blackout


New member
Hey guys,

I am in the process of building a 9.5" 300 Blk pistol.

What kind of velocity are you guys getting with similar setups?

What muzzle brake do you recommend? I am interested in a KX3 but the more I think about it, the less I think a 300 Blk needs one as most of the powder is burnt when the bullet exits the barrel. Thoughts?


New member
if you dont have a suppressor theres really no point in having a .300 AAC blackout.. unless the prospect of rainbow-like trajectories and low velocities is something you enjoy


New member
if you dont have a suppressor theres really no point in having a .300 AAC blackout.. unless the prospect of rainbow-like trajectories and low velocities is something you enjoy

This is off topic.

I care about the 300 blk because I DO have a suppressor and I DO like the idea of having a short barrel AR that will push a .308 bullet at 2100 fps from a 9". Yeah. That's a good reason.