Shootrite Firearms Academy in Langston, AL.


New member
Last week the wife and I went to the Shootrite Firearms Academy in Langston, AL for a combative carbine course. I have to say that Tiger McKee was an excellent instructor. Being an Air Force CATM instructor, I make mental notes of the way instructors teach and I can tell you all that Tiger did an excellent job. His material and methods were clear, consise and flowed freely from one topic into the next area. Range time was both fun, informative and put us both through our paces. Tiger had to balance skill levels between my wife and I and again, did an excellent job of not loosing her attention yet not going at such a slow pace to loose my interest. If anybody is in the market for more advanced firearms training, Shootrite is an excellent choice to go with IMHO! :)


New member

How far away is Shootrite Firearms Academy from Union Grove? Also, while cruising around their links page, I saw a picture of some guy holding up a good-sized yellow perch. Didn't think there were too many yellow perch in Guntersville Lake.
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New member
Hey Steve :) I just recently saw a post listing this training site and researched it a little bit myself. From what I could tell it appears to be past the state park off of 227 or whatever road that is. So it's really not that far away for us in the 'grove.

I've been looking for a place to take some courses and instruction, and this is looking like where I'll be going. Since I'm kind of a newbie I'll probably start with the NRA basic pistol course and go from there. We should attend a class together sometime if you're interested too!


New member
Tiger McGee has a book titled "The Book of Two Guns" The Martial Art of the 1911 and AR Carbine. It is available of his web-site. This is one of the most informative and well written books I have read.


New member
Uh, where's Union Grove?:confused: Sorry but we're stationed in Hurlburt Field down here in Florida. Now the wife might know where Union Grove is sionce she's originally from Jasper but I'm originally from North Dakota so Alabamanian geography escapes me. :(

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I've taken Tiger's Defensive Handgun and Defensive Carbine classes. Plan to take more.

He's a very good instructor.

Thumbs up on 'The Book of Two Guns,' I've given several of them as gifts and keep a copy with me.


New member
I've trained with Tiger several times and recommend him without any reservation. The book is also great, and I hear he is working on a DVD...


New member

Union Grove is just west of Guntersville Lake basically. If you look at a map you'll see HWY 69 that runs from Gville to Arab/Cullman, and you'll see HWY 231 that runs from Arab to Huntsville. There is a road that connects the two highways that comes out in Morgan City on 231. We refer to that road as Union Grove Road, the general area between there is usually considered Union Grove. Hope that helps. It's very close to the lake and the TN River.


New member
Looks to be east of Guntersville ( do a mapquest for Langston, and Guntersville) This is one of the most beautiful areas of the State, wonderful bass fishing, and outstanding watersports.. this is close to the beautiful Guntersville State Park & Lodge. You'll love it there!!


New member
Actually about 2 miles down the road towards Scottsboro there is a fishing resort that has rooms available. The Sauty Inn isn't going to be some 5-star Hilton or anything but it's a pretty good place to stay and if you have pets, they do allow them as well. Tiger's wife works there as well and she does an outstanding job of taking care of the guests that are there for Tiger's classes. The next class we go back to we're going to stay at the same place again. Close to the range, great hospitality and affordable rates. Who could ask for more? :)