Shooting with Eye Glasses


New member
I recently got my eyes checked and new glasses. While I was at it I had the doctor write me two prescriptions. One for normal reading bifocals and one for a set of bifocals set up for shooting with the bifocal in the top half of the glass. Using this set of glasses I do not have to tip my head back to see the sights.
The shooting bifocals are naturally set for the longer distance with my hand extended with a pistol in it. I took a regular pencil with me with a straight pen to stick in the eraser for the front sight focus point.
When I went to one of the buy one set get the other free store they did not charge me extra for making the second prescription different than the first set.
I was just wondering if anyone else had done this.


New member

I'm at that age where I'm reading things at arms length too..... ;-)

I've always had bad eyes and worn glasses since I was 10 years old. I'm 45 now. Over the last couple of years, as my basic prescription started to get stronger for distance vision, and my arms needed to be longer for close up vision, bi-focals became the norm. The distance portion of bi-focal specs was too strong for me to see a front sight, the lower portion too weak & too low for me to use.

By experimentation, I discovered that the very same pair of prescription glasses I wore 20 years ago is what now gives me the sharpest view of a front sight. The slightly lower diopter (from my current distance prescription) does not affect my distance vision very much. I can still wear these glasses comfortably in most situations, just can't read with them. They do however, work just dandy when I'm shooting.

If my vision continues to change, I may find that I have to do what you guys have done and have a special pair of specs made up for shooting, but in the meantime, the old reliable pair is doing fine.

Best regards,