Shooting today.


New member
Got to shoot a little today. I got to shoot my new to me Speed Six .357 and I shot my S&W Mod. 10 just for fun too. The first target is with the Speed Six with .357 125 JSP. The second target is with the Mod. 10, the centered shots are with some wadcutter reloads I had and the lower shots are the 125 grain Nyclads. The third target is with the Speed Six with the 125 grain Nyclad .38 hollowpoints. The skillet is proof that I can do two things at once.


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Garand Illusion

New member
Whatever you do, Marano, remember to ALWAYS keep one empty chamber in those revolvers. A fully loaded revolver is just an ACCIDENT waiting to happen, and your will probably KILL yourself or an innocent bystander!

(just busting your chops for your post in my thread -- did I just give you a headache?) :D

Cool pics, BTW.


New member
Sorry Garand

I was just a loss for words, thanks for the comment, I guess safe IS better than SORRY, I am just used to carrying a different way than you described.

Garand Illusion

New member
I was just a loss for words, thanks for the comment, I guess safe IS better than SORRY, I am just used to carrying a different way than you described.

No offense at all. If you think I should remove my post above I would be happy to -- it really is just meant to be humorous. Sometimes I fail at that.

I'm aware the item in my other thread is going to get me flamed here, and I'm fine with that as long as it's not personally insulting, and you certainly werent.

I just like to flame back a little. Sorry. All in fun and the spirit of debate.

To any who took my reply seriously ... it was all tongue in cheek.