Shooting the .577 T-Rex


New member
Shoot if you know how to shoot a rifle with heavy recoil then you can shoot that thing. 99% of the guys in the video are morons who don't hardly know the bolt from the stock.


New member
I was thinking the same thing. I am sure the thing kicks like a SOB, but most of the people on that video look like jackasses who have never shot a high power rifle at all, much less some thing like thte T-rex that is well known to have punishing recoil. I am petting half of those people would look like retards if you handed them a .308. A couple of then didn't even hold it to their sholdder, they held in more out on their arm, or had a pretty loose grip. With a rifle that big, it doesn't take a genius to know that you better have it tight against your body and you better have a good grip on the rifle.

Then again, I have never atually shot anything that big, so who knows.


New member
Some of them may never have fired a shotgun or rifle by the look of it. I still don't think I would like firing one though. I've shot a 10 ga pump and a .458 Win with full power 500 gr FMJ loads and neither one was fun to shoot.


New member
Shoot if you know how to shoot a rifle with heavy recoil then you can shoot that thing. 99% of the guys in the video are morons who don't hardly know the bolt from the stock.

I agree. Here's another video of someone shooting a double-rifle in the same caliber.


New member
Reminds me of when I was about 12 and let a freind that had never shot shoot my single shot 12 ga. I shot it with a light skeet load and said 'see its not that bad', then I loaded it with a 2 3/4 in high base magnum and it knocked his hat off.:D


New member
Most of the guys I saw in that vid didnt even have a solid base, leaning backward and before they even squeezed the trigger had a look of utter dismay on their faces. For crying out loud, if your scared of it before you even put a round through it, dont shoot it...


New member
The last guy in the video seemed to know what he was doing.

Im not going talk bad about these guys in the video. While it was obvious a few of them had no experiance shooting a rifle, a few of them did alright. I think the biggest thing was the fear of that cartridge after watching someone else shoot it. To call them retards simply because a rifle of that caliber "ripped them a new one" is, well.....retarded :rolleyes:.

Im willing to bet even experianced rifle shooters who never shot the .577 TRex would have a similar experiance until they had sufficient practice with it.
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chris in va

New member
That video pops up on here every so often. Can anyone say for sure where it was made? I get the impression it was some sort of "If you can hold on to the rifle, you win a prize!" sort of affair. Pretty much like a dunk tank at the fair.


New member
Rifle changes

If you review the video,I believe the rifle Brand/style changes ???? .....IMHO 577,hurts just thinking about pulling the trigger :eek: The only time I'd use a caliber that big in Vt is to stop a train,maybe a bus,take out a 737,or to make fence post holes ????.... BB34


New member
A few different guns to be sure. There was clearly a Ruger #1 in that vid.

Yes there are a few. The last one that the guy handled like a pro I believe is a Nitro Express, I want to say 600? Think I heard that on another forum. And yes the vid is from the guys at AR.

Believe it or not but the Tyrannosaur isn't the worst. Check out the .600 Overkill sometime.


Reminds me of when I was about 12 and let a freind that had never shot shoot my single shot 12 ga

hey nate, glad we're not friends!:D;)

reminds me of the time a "friend" asked me to help run cattle. "dont bother trailering a horse, ride one of mine"........
Damn horse thought he was in a rodeo, we all had a good laugh (NOT!)


New member
My dear wife bought me a Stevens 12ga 3" magnum single shot one year for Valentines day. That darned thing killed from BOTH ends! When I 1st got it, I tried a few 3" Magnums in it. I thought I broke my freaking shoulder and I KNOW how to shoot heavy recoiling rifles/shotguns! After that, it was only low brass for me and a few hi brass for "friends" who want to try your gun!

PS: Some B@$t@rd stole that gun from me (burglarized my appt) and I just hope he shot some magnum loads in it! It would serve the SOB right!