Shooting Stupidity


New member
It's been a few years since I last fired a .44 Mag. So today I took my new SW 629 Mountain Gun to the range for it's first work out. The first 24 rounds I was all over the place with it.

I've been too busy to have my handgun bench rest filled. So today I used the table to bench test the gun, and to try and steady myself down a little. I then made a real stupid mistake. I let the little finger side of both hands (palms) get slightly under my .44 Mag. and BANG. My left hand is bruised and swollen and my right hand has a sore blood blister on it. I think I'm gonna have my bench rest filled tomorrow. ;)

Guns have a way of letting you know when you're doing something wrong...Anyway, I was very happy with my next 50 rounds in spite of sore hands...I learned again stupid shooting hurts like hell!!!

Oh love that cannon, er, gun... :D


New member
Bullrock, I've been wanting to buy a 629 Mountain gun. However, I've read that the pencil barrel and reduced weight shift the balance rearward compared to a standard 4" 629, which I've shot fairly accurately (man does that backstrap sting, though!). What's your experience with the Mountain Gun's balance?


New member
You're not the first to do something like that. I've cut my eye with a scope on a .22-250-----Well sometimes you get in some funny shapes groundhog hunting HEE HEE. I've had blood blisters from grip/rest pinch points. Been hit in the head with sixgun barrels. Burnt a hole in the leg of my britches with 2400 powder and a Super Blackhawk cylinder gap. And the list goes on. Sure all this is nothing new to you. You've been at it longer than I have.


If you shoot long enough, you're going to make a mistake; as long as a trip to the hospital or jail isn't involved, count your blessings and learn from it! :D


New member

Well, I've only put 75 rounds through it. But now that you mention it (I just picked it up to check the balance) it does seem to balance light in the barrel. To make things worse I put a set of heavy wood Eagle Grips (Heritage) on it, which throws it off even more.

The backstrap does hurt a bit, and the checkered wood grips redened up my palm some. I've always managed recoil well, and was really happy with my second target. The true test will come soon. I also have a SW 29-2 that I haven't had a chance to shoot yet. Well actually it's nickle and too pretty to get dirty, for now anyway. It has a target trigger and hammer, and has better balance than the 629MG.

But for now I'm pretty happy with the 629MG. I think it's a keeper... :D
LAH, I can't believe you cut your head with a 22-250, 'cause my did did the same thing, same rifle, when I was a kid. I cracked my forehead when I was a scrawny 14 yr. old shooting a .41 magnum. A little recoil.....


New member
Mistakes do happen ScoutinStAugustine. I shot the collar of my coat once, but that's another story.


New member
I have nearly clipped my hand with the slide of a semiauto several times, just grazing it from too high hold - have heard that can send you in for stitches at least... so far, just some warnings :eek:

shoots awe lots

New member
Bull get some Hogue rubber grips on It. My buddy just got a 629 and after a trip back to Smith to adjust the bc gap( was spraying everybody to the right and left of him) we took to range the other night and found it very accurate and nicely balanced and very pleasureable to shoot. If I was a 44 man I would get one in a minute.

Tex Hill

New member
A high school classmate of mine, Dennis, almost blew his head off with a 12 gauge shotgun. Dennis was dove hunting while sitting on the tailgate of a pickup. He & his buddies were not having any luck so they decided to move next to a grain field.

His buddy got in the driver seat, but Dennis stayed on the tailgate with the butt of the stock resting on the edge of the tailgate. They were driving through waist high grass, & they drove across a narrow ditch that was hidden in the grass.

The jolt of hitting the ditch caused the shotgun to slip off the tailgate, and it went off when it hit the ground. The blast caught Dennis all in the face, and came within 1/8th of an inch from killing him. It did cause him to lose one eye.

Needless to say, there were alot of us who learned a great deal about firearms safety that day.

Dave Haven

New member
Originally posted by LAH
You're not the first to do something like that. I've cut my eye with a scope on a .22-250
That's nothin'. I saw someone do that with a spring-powered .177 caliber AIR RIFLE! And heard of another who did the same! :D


New member
You're not the first to do something like that. I've cut my eye with a scope on a .22-250...

I did the same thing! With the same calibre gun! haha, small world... and oh yeah those .44 mags kick a little I have a ruger redhawk and the original grips left a 'welt' like object on my hand from the bottom edge one time.

I just got pachmyer grips for them, much more comfortable and hand filling!