Shooting Stance


New member
Im wondering what the best stance is for talking in a range lane standing up with both hands on the assuming putting your weak foot foward and your strong foot back so you can absorb the recoil...but i'd like to hear everyones techniques...thanks


New member
Well, you have 2 basic choices, and one choice that is often ignored. You can opt for the Weaver or the Isosceles for any PD/Combat shooting. A Google search will give you a good rundown of each. Practice with dry fire and range time, then pick which you like best. I personally prefer the Weaver stance. The one most often ignored these days is the traditional one handed bullseye target shooting stance. Pretty poor stuff for any type of armed encounter, BUT the best thing going to teach trigger/breath/sight coordination.


New member
I use the Weaver stance up to a distance of 7 yards and Isosceles for shots farther than 7 yards. I shoot with both eyes open on either shooting stance. When someone is shooting back at me I don't use any stance. :)


I've always preferred weaver because you present a smaller profile to an adversary and it just felt more natural and ballanced.

That was true for rifle and handgun.

Over the last couple years I've been forcing myself to shoot isosceles because of the body armor that that we use, but it just doesn't feel right. I do it cause it makes sense though, especially for MOUT. I still practice and train both ways because I don't have the armor on unless I'm on duty and I still think Weavor is better without a vest.

I've never done any serious shooting one handed with my weak hand on my hip AKA 1920 competition. There's a reason that no one shoots that way anymore.


New member
I am assuming that you are talking about target practice when you discuss stance. If so, I use a isosceles. Use to use a modified weaver, but took some pistol classes and they changed my mind. I think either is fine, its what you feel comfortable with, but try and learn both. If you are talking self defense, I use a running stance!!:D


I prefer the Weaver. When I use the isosceles stance with a large caliber, I tend to end up leaning back slightly at the end of a mag, and I feel very exposed. The Weaver brings the sights closer to my eyes, presents a (smaller) profile to the perp, and pulls the gun in to my body to protect it. For PD, it's good to practice one-handed and with the weak-side hand. That may be all you're able to do in a tactical situation.


New member
I'm thinking, "Different stances, for different folks." Whatever gives one the best stability seems the 'Best' in my book.


New member
It isn't the only way, but...

... I like the Weaver for three reasons.

1) Some very helpful Marine instructors taught me, at the range, that it worked very well.

2) The stance is very similar, footwork and body position wise, to a boxing or kickboxing stance, so the balance feels natural.

3) I shoot pretty well from Weaver.

That said, you might find isosceles or some other method works best for you. Also, it's good to experiment and find out what works best under differing conditions.



James K

Member In Memoriam
For the range and shooting fun, choose which stance you like best and suits you.

For defense, one simple question: What in hell makes you think the other guy is going to give you a chance to "assume the proper stance"? You would die right between your proper angle and your correct foot position.



The whole point behind training is to develop muscle memory so that you revert to it under stress. Every time I have every drawn on someone as a reaction to a threat I reflexively came to a weaver stance, regardless of what I was wearing or where I was at. I have never seen or heard of a real life situation where someone with any real training had to do a quick draw and shoot without time to assume at least a reudimentary stance of one sort or another. If you're in a threat situation you should be in a ready position in something close to a shooting stance.

When entering a building, I have more time to think ahead and consciously go in squared up, and do so.


New member

My stance would be either cover or at least concealment if I didn't think running would be effective enough. Out of sight is best. Or you can stand out in the open using your favorite stance and control the situation with your command voice.


New member
My stance is based on my TaiChi training, so changes according to my position as I begin my draw and the position I plan to be in after the shot. The alignment of hand-eye-target is what makes for a hit on the target. What the rest of the body is doing at that moment is (almost) immaterial. It works for me.



New member
Drifting a bit

It seems to me some people are answering a question about firefight techniques; the OP asked about stances for range use.

