Shooting Sports in Ireland


New member
Back in June I was in Ireland and while there the article below appeared in The Irish Times. The Irish Times is a daily published out of Dublin. It occupies the same place in Ireland that the N.Y. Times, Washington Post or the Wall St. Journal occupy in the U.S. The article is on Ireland's prospects of winning Gold in the shooting sports at the Olympics but also touches on shooting in Ireland in general. It makes for interesting reading.

While in Galway I dropped by this small shop for a few minutes.

Note that price of guns and ammo there is fairly high. 1.00 Euro = about $1.30 U.S.D.

While driving cross country I saw several times road signs directing folks to local shooting ranges. While at Dublin's Trinity College posters for the rifle club were on display along with notices for other clubs.Unfortunately on this trip, I didn't have time to meet many shooters. Next time.

Thought this might be of interest to folks here.
