Shooting onboard hi-jacked plane

Kirk Keller

New member

There has been a lot of speculation on this and according to American Airlines, they never had or gave the FAA any information or evidence supporting a shooting. It is my understanding that this was pure speculation at the point it was written and that further evidence eliminates the possibility of a gun, including the in-air conversations with flight personnel.

There is also some speculation that the antis have forged the document, or have a mole internally who forged it.


New member
That's what I gathered from the articles. However, all the antis need is a reasonable doubt to use it for their agenda...


New member
If true, all the more reason to allow passengers and crew to carry.

I can't see the antis missing that point.

But then, logic is NOT their strong point! :D


New member
Airline security is a farce. They only thing done making a difference is passengers no longer are sheep. Passengers will protect themselves and the plane.

The discussion about arming pilots is swinging toward arming pilots with guns. AA just announced they will train the cockpit in the use of tasers even in the absence of FAA approval. Both pilor unions and attendant unions come out in favor of arming the cockpit.

Seeing the momentum change I wondered what would be pulled out of the hat to stop it. Here we have a report of a passenger being shot prior to the hijacking; YET NO ONE KNOWS WHERE THE REPORT CAME FROM.

Sounds to me like a story planted to head off a move to arm the cockpit. We'll know if the anti groups pick the story up and run with it. Am I saying the federal government will lie? Yep! Remember the federal government lied about the existence of endanged species so it could confiscate property and close down taxpayer access. I see no reason why the same morality is not in effect at the FAA.


New member
With all of the cell phone calls that originated from the doomed planes, does it strike anyone else a bit strange that no one mentioned that a passenger had been shot? There was definite mention of the number of people who had their throats slashed, however. While I have to consider that many of the passengers on a flight might have no knowledge of another passenger having had their throat slashed; it is a bit harder, with the exception of the deaf, to miss the report of a gunshot inside of a pressurized aluminum cylinder.