Shooting on the Company's Dime/Time!


New member
Our squadron had a pistol shoot today, so it was a nice break and a few hours out of the office. The guns were the M11 service pistol (Sig P228) - 48 rounds at 3, 7, and 15 yards. The weather was bright but overcast, and only a little humid toward the end of the session. Shot a 228/240, which isn't my personal best but it lets me keep my "expert" qualification.

Next month is the M4 qual shoot, and since we're using the outdoor range, we'll probably get to play with the happy switch "on" for a while after the official qualification session is over!

I really like the P228, and am trying to decide between that and the Beretta 92FS for my next 9 mm. Since they're both service model equivalents, the local Marine range has them for sale all the time for good prices, since they like to replace their qualification/rental guns before they get all shot out.


New member
No, we have to qualify with either the M9 (Beretta 92) or M11 (Sig P228). Of course, I can buy whatever I want, but I've missed having a 9 mm since I gave my dad my Glock 19, and I figure it wouldn't hurt to have a personal copy of the pistol I have to qualify with.