Shooting Glasses

Mike in VA

New member
I have often joked about my age - over 60, off warranty, can't get parts . . . at least no parts you'd want -

But I recently found out that I have cataracts, and they can be easily corrected and I can have 20/20 again (which i haven't had since 4th grade), but I will need reading glasses. This is exciting to me.

Still, I really appreciate he need for eye protection, and there's an incredible variety of stuff out there, from really cheap to really expensive, so I thought I'd ask you, my brothers & sisters, as to what works well for you all. I have a big head (7 5/8 hat size) and comfort, fit & protection are priorities over 'style'. Polycarbonate and optical clarity (lack of distortion) are a given, and I'm thinkg on some tints with high UV protection for outdoors, clears for indoor, maybe some yellow lenses for the odd cloudly day.

I'm mostly a handgunner, though I do like to practice with my SIG556 carbine. Your thoughts & recommendations, please.



New member
I wear my Rx glasses shooting, never had a problem other than they are transition lenses (they darken in the sunlight) and I've gotten some very tiny scratches on the transition film that shows when they get dark from brass hitting the glasses.


New member
Simply take your prescription to an eyewear center and they can set you up with exactly what you want. Any good store can provide safety glasses, tinted lenses, special coatings and best of all a perfect fit.


New member
Mike in VA said:
But I recently found out that I have cataracts, and they can be easily corrected and I can have 20/20 again... This is exciting to me.

We are in the same boat here, Mike. I'm only 39 and am planning on the same surgery. I've got a consult scheduled with the surgeon in just over a week.

I've been wearing my perscription WileyX glasses for both shooting and riding. Thye were pretty spendy $300+, but since they serve dual purpose for me, the price was justified. 100% UVA and UVB protection, polycarbonate lenses; they work great for both situations.

Good luck on your surgery. I know it'll be nice to shoot without all the glare and fuzz.

Mike in VA

New member
Thx for the input, guys, I had my right eye done on Friday, he left will get done in two weeks. The day after the new lens scoped out at 20/40, but the Dr said it take a few days for your vision to stabilize and it should continue to improve. I took the right lens out of my glases, which helped, and by this morning my right eye was was almost as sharp as my 20/20 corrected left. If the progress continues, I'll be a very happy guy!

I tried looking thru the sights on my cmdr sized 1911 this morning, and wow, what an improvement. I can hardly wait to get the left eye done and head for he range. The Dr said I will need reading glasses, but it appears that with a little luck I will be able to get by with regular sun & shooting glasses! I'm looking at Wileys & Oakleys, and just saw a nice pair of Oakleys on sale at Sportsmans Guide (and I have a coupon!) Wooo-hooo!



New member
Sounds like good news, Mike. Glad to here it is going well for you. I've got my surgery consult tomorrow afternoon, reading your good report makes me feel a litle more confortable about the whole proceedure.

Hope the other eye goes as well or better.