Shooting breakfast items through your Cap-N-Ball


New member
After reading through numerous threads where some of y'all are shooting breakfast items through your blackpowder revolver I thought I'd investigate this more thoroughly. Apparently, y'all prefer food items such as cream of wheat, wheat germ, and even corn meal. Well, this southerner has different taste than y'all yankees.


Now, note that these are "quick" grits. No self respecting reb would normally go for this. But I knew I would be shootin' into the wind yesterday so I figured that with a 10 mile per hour head wind I better make sure them grits were cooked in time before they blew back at me. Thus...went with the quick grits.

Uhhhh can stop reading at this point.

Now, I should point out that this experiment wasn't just about my taste buds. I had read that some of y'all were experimenting with penile deflating loads such as 20 or 25 grains. Therefore, in addition to satisfying my appetite I figured I'd see if there was a penile component to black powder loads. I alternated between 25 grains and 40 grains of 777 powder. For my 25 grain loads I topped off with 15 grains of Jim Dandy Quick Grits then rammed a lead ball on top. No wad or post-ball lube was used. I loaded and fired all six chambers this way. For my next series the load consisted of 40 grains of 777 followed by a wonder wad then a rammed lead ball on top. That volley went off without a hitch but with a noticeable improvement in flash, bang, and smoke. I loaded back-n-forth in this manner five times and therefore shot 60 rounds.

My conclusion is that there is no penile movement in either direction. The 25 grain load was more reminiscent of what one expects when one thinks of black powder shooting versus modern day magnum shooting. While fun to shoot because of the reasonable sized pop it wasn't exactly oozing testosterone. This load, however, definitely draws bloods from most paper targets every time. The 40 grain load felt typical of a magnum sized revolver load as you'd expect from a heavy barreled magnum. There was a significant boom and a decent sized mushroom cloud discharged with every pull of the trigger.

Oh yeah, even though I used quick grits they didn't quite cook to the softness of my liking. I probably needed more powder but honestly there isn't enough room in a ROA for both the powder needed and sufficient cooking room for grits. ;)

Fingers McGee

New member
While I've never tried quick grits, and cannot comment on the effectivness or accuracy of BP loads using them; I have found that the smoke emmanating from my pistlols when using bacon flavored instant grits will cause the salivary glands of competitors to become active which in turn will cause temporary loss of concentration, resulting in subpar performance on their part that will enable me to out shoot them - on occasion.:rolleyes:



New member
Apparently, y'all prefer food items such as cream of wheat, wheat germ, and even corn meal

Nope, the cream of wheat and corn meal gets shot out of the Remington.

I save the grits fer eatin'.


New member
I think we had this discussion already a time or three. I think someone even mentioned dropping in a couple of cheerios. Could be BS, but in fact, I think BS was even mentioned as a good filler (or CowS, must be lactating).

I'll defile any breakfast cereal except for the holy grits.


New member
While I've never tried quick grits, and cannot comment on the effectivness or accuracy of BP loads using them; I have found that the smoke emmanating from my pistlols when using bacon flavored instant grits will cause the salivary glands of competitors to become active which in turn will cause temporary loss of concentration, resulting in subpar performance on their part that will enable me to out shoot them - on occasion.

Yur makin' me hungry! :)

Jim Watson

New member
I think someone even mentioned dropping in a couple of cheerios.

You gotta be careful saying things like that.
A lot of people have said that Trail Boss powder looks like Cheerios and some of the tenderfoot types around might think they are the same stuff. End up with milk on the gunpowder and primers on the cereal.


New member
Man, if you're cramming 40 grains of BP in there, you need to shoot at night. You'd get a big kick out of that! Even at 25 grains, my .44 spews a nice 4-5 foot long plume of firey embers.

"Aye Captain, I tried shovin' a wiener in the warp drive but it didn't do a bit 'o good. By the by, would you have a wee bit of mustard up on the bridge?"


New member
:eek:"Well Kiss My Grits!"

The Only thing I ever put ion my BP Revs other than the Holy Black was "Pufflon". Pufflon is a black granulated powder made for use as a filler(Google it) I tried it on two caliber with three Revs, a uberti 51 Navy, an Pietta 1860 Army, A very old ASP (Armi San Paolo) 1858 Remington, and lastly a Uberti 1858 Rem Named Sophia A. Uberti...
Too no avail groups were not as tight on paper at 25 yards, and did not shoot as long as dry full or partially charges cylinders...Pufflon is a graphite and i would a thought it woulsd help...tried this test with and without my lube pills...the lube pills helped the preformance with the Pufflon.
Conclusion: Revs without Pufflon atop the Powder Charges shoot longer and group tighter with a ball placed atop the lube pills.
Unlubed charges without pufflon shoot longer and group tighter that awith pufflon as a filler.
Lastly Why Use A Filler?:eek:


New member
I used lard for cylinder grease one time. After shooting about a dozen rounds, it started smelling like chittlins cookin so I got hungry, quit and went home for lunch.


New member
Breakfast of Champions

Will using ground up Wheaties help improve my score and make me a champion? :D

The Doc is out now. :cool:


New member
I just thought of something.

And then I thought better of putting it here in case some goofball tries it.

However, did you know, if you put cremora coffee creamer (powder) atop of black powder, you get a nice fireball when the B-P is ignited?

The Doc is out now.


New member
After reading all the posts, I cannot understand why none of you good ole boys haven't found the filler of choice used by all the great trail boss wannabees throughout history. I only learned of it by my misfortune.

Boot polish. Thats right. I have found brown boot polish to work the best. Not only does it lay down a protective barrier on the inside of your barrel; it gives it a nice sheen. Rustlers everywhere will comment about your shiny pistoles.

But you need to be warned to use only the correct boot polish. You can't just take it straight from the can. No, it must be extracted from off your boots using a small scraper device. You only want to take a thin layer that has been sun dried for days. And in the crusty old hands of a rancher, this will turn to a dusty powder in no time. Be careful not to wipe your nose during this process. I wouldn't want any of you to be seen as a brown-noser.

As a side note to those of you who do a lot cattle work, be careful not to take the polish from off your boots without first cleaning your boots. There is a good chance the polish will be mingled with cow ****. And I would hope that all you good ole boys can tell **** from shinola.

But for those who are unable to recognize the difference, may I suggest you walk in the bull pen before extracting the polish. This way the cow **** will be replaced with bull ****. And I have found that bull **** blends very well with shinola when spinning these tall tales. :D
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New member
I'm gonna hafta get my eyes checked because I know I cannot believe what I am seeing (reading). :eek:

The Doc is out now. :cool:


New member
I'm gonna hafta get my eyes checked because I know I cannot believe what I am seeing (reading)

Doc, it makes about as much sense as some of the other stuff being said.:D


New member
I just wanted to make certain I was not going to step into whatever you were stepping in that got all over your boots! :D

The Doc is still wondering, but out now. :cool:


New member
Doc, you do need to watch your step around here. But it is like that old joke. What is the difference between a cowboy and an engineer? Answer: the cowboy wears his **** on the outside of his boots. :eek:

Since there were so many engineering discussions on the finer points of filler material, I weren't sure if I were talkin' to engineers or cowboys. :D:D

Glad to see there is still a sense of humor in the world. Some of these threads are hoot to read. And in my deary life, from which the media fills with gloom and doom, I delight in reading the posts. Maybe some day I will get a real life of my own and experience these things for myself. Or not. :eek: