shooting at san diego high school...

Apple a Day

New member
I and every other teacher out there am hunkering down right now waiting for the inevitable copycats. There have already been half a dozen kids in this area arrested this year for threatening to do the same thing. As my brother keeps telling me: Keep your head down and your a** moving.
Sometimes I REALLY wish I could carry at work. How do y'all feel about a teacher being armed in the classroom?


New member
Apple, I would have no qualms about a responsible teacher packing heat to work.
The Israelies armed their teachers, and it seemed to work.

The Plainsman

New member

My son teaches high school in a part of the country where the "good ol' boys" take their shooting and their guns VERY seriously. Even some of the school administrators at least have weapons in their vehicles just outside their offices.

My son has remarked several times, in the wake of the more recent spate of school shootings, that kids at his high school know better than to bring a gun to school, let alone shoot it, because some or all of the top school administrators would simply retrieve their own guns and promptly dispatch the shooter(s). Apparently, the presence of these teacher-owned guns is pretty common knowledge and it serves only to calm the fears of the staff and faculty, and even the kids. Why anybody would object to armed teachers/administrators, is beyond me. In most, if not all, cases, they could bring a level of professionalism and expertise to the process of school security that could not otherwise be accomplished.

Male or female, CCW for teachers ought to be the rule.


New member
even if teachers aren't packin' . . . .

what's with the security folks, or "narcs" only being armed with radios? how many injuries could have been prevented today if the "narc" was able to do more than call for help...

in fact, if there was a displayed ability for force, would this have happened at all???

god bless you teachers!!!



New member
reports noted that the firearm in question was a .22 revolver. 13 injured, 2 dead. Somewhat bewildering that it happened close this time.



New member

See, they bring in unarmed security as a "feel-good" move, but actually allowing them to carry a firearm (or any other weapon) only proves what you, me, and everyone else here at TFL already knows: GUNS SAVE LIVES!!!

I just read an article about it, and it says that a student and one of the security guards ran into the bathroom where the criminal was hiding. They turned and hightailed it back out, and the guard was shot in the back.

Gee, you think if that guard had been armed with ANYTHING, and maybe had different training, there would have been fewer casualties. As a private security guard, they trained me to "observe and report". In other words, don't get involved in ANY way. Something goes down, RUN! I, however, think that's BS.

Red Zone

New member
What are you STUPID???
Blame the state?

Whether or not you are a pro-CCW, this is a time of mourning and recuperation. How dare you try to turn this into a political argument? Have some respect for those killed and injured in a such a tragic situation!
Grow up!


New member
in answer to your question, no. I'd like to ask you the same..

And to answer your other question, yes I blame the state.
This is a state that believes nothing can happen because of laws that it has instated that has in fact made the situation worse. It is a state that I believe knows that it has made the situation worse, but at this point cannot admit it has faulted. It is a state that has stuck to its own version of lala land for so long that reality has been long in coming. It is a state that specifically doesn't allow anyone other than an uniformed officer to carry a weapon in a school (this officer was not at the scene at the time). The only reported officer there at the time of the shooting was an off duty officer that was there to register his own child. Honestly I'm not sure I'd feel safe with security officers there carrying, but here is a situation where it could have made a difference, a difference that might have gone either way.

I agree that this is a time for mourning and recuperation. I will have to admit at the time I posted I was so frustrated with the turn of events that the inital remark was made half jokenly in desperation. You have to understand this hit very close to me. At this point I'm scared for what will happen, ie from copycats and from the state.

However, lets not try to ignore the obvious. Whether I have turned this into a political arguement or not isn't really going to be an issue or not, we all know that this was a huge blow to everyone, everywhere, pro ccw or not. Now whether this will turn into a political arguement or not has already been established the second this event occured. I did not have to tune very far into the radio bands to hear it. My intial concern was to the situation at hand, but at the time it had already past. My concern then turned to what happened, how it could have been prevented or softened and what are we going to do if there are copycats?

And to your final statement, please do the same.

but thank you, you did comply with my original request.

Apple a Day

New member
Red Zone,
There is a need to mourn and reflect but for those of us who teach and/or have kids in school then there is an even more pressing need to start finding solutions BEFORE it happens again.
I have gotten into discussions with other teachers and with people in the community about gun control in schools and the idea of teachers carrying. A lot of the parents have said in no uncertain terms that they would rather pull their kids out of school rather than have them in a classroom with an armed teacher.

For myself and every other teacher out there the clock is ticking. Every time the clock jumps and the hand ticks we flinch because sooner or later that sound will be replaced with a gunshot. The majority of school shootings happen in the spring. Winter is fading and the clock is ticking.
It is a matter of time before another misguided kid who is frustrated or angry or just feels like it picks up a gun his irresponsible parents have left in his hands, without teaching him safety or responsibility, and walks into a school building. It is only a matter time before you see images on the evening news of students crying on one another, shaking as they tell the news crews what happened, or being carted out in body bags with blood smears on the gourneys. It is only a matter of time before you see teddy bears and flowers tucked into a fence next to pictures of students and teachers. For you it may be something you see on the evening news and shake your head. For me it is something I might see today when I go to work. We got a two hour delay today because of snow but the clock is ticking.
In Washington politicians will have some more debates and slap together a few bills, trying to ride the wave of public emotions before it fades away. At home people will get on their computers and post their opinions on the Internet or email their representatives... at least until a new movie comes out or the next scandal demands their attention. At police stations there may be some new seminars or brainstorming sessions as to how to deal with these situations the next time they happen- and they WILL happen. Somewhere out there right now are a handful of kids who are fantasizing about themselves in the role of mass murderer. Their plans are coming together bit by bit, growing like shadows as the sun sets. In my classroom to the right and a little above the door is a clock, ticking away.


New member
Frankly, I find the lack of posts on the various threads concerning this subject quite indicitive of how sick we are of hearing about these travisties.

We know what the effective solution is, but refuse to be heard by the bliss ninnys that insist on living their delusionary fantasy.

We are seeing the results of their stupidity and stubborn, fatal ignorace as the law of natural consequence exacts its price.

But, do those who instituted these laws pay? No, the innocent children pay the ultimate price for the congressional reach for more power to control our lives.

Gun control has killed more children than it has saved, yet people refuse to be educated, refuse to see the light, they refuse to take responsibility and keep foisting it upon congresses, both federal and state to "take care" of them and "do SOMETHING!".

I believe we are tired, and certainly not surprised.


New member
Something you all have forgotton about thw whole thing is that there were very real warning signs of the shooting about to happen. His friends knew the little dumass was thinking about it and did nothing. Even the adult in the picture knew but did nothing. The kid lied and was taken at his word.

Put that together with the idiot gun laws out there in the PRK and you have an invitation to disaster.


Staff Emeritus
When children die because of politics, it's time to change politics.

There should be NO special CCW for teachers.
In fact, there should be NO CCW for anyone.

It's already covered by the Second Amendment, "... shall not be infringed."

Children (and adults) are being killed because of the "protective" efforts of our increasingly totalitarian Democrat/Republican oligarchy.

And, yes, I am very angry about it.
And, yes, I am very disappointed at the sycophantic apologists for our current ONE-party behemoth.

Learn Constitutional Law as it was meant to be.
Train. Carry. Live.

Do it for the children!
Do it for their Liberty.
Do it for their lives!

Tall Man

New member

I thank God more and more every day that I

-don't live in California;
-didn't attend public school;
-won't let my children set foot in said public institutions;
-have a CCW permit;
-maintain a permanent fund for quick firearm purchases;
-belong to a high-quality private sportsman's club; and
-have friends and relatives who are the salt of the earth.

"Do it for the children"???

Hell, society is doing it TO the children. :(

Well, there goes my day...

Tall Man


New member
What are you STUPID???
Grow up!

uhh.... with comments like that you have the nerve to tell others to grow up???
When you grow up, you'll realize that situations like this have larger implications than the initial greiving process.
It's a horrible, horrible situation. Why should that prevent us from discussing how to prevent it in the future?



New member
"See, they bring in unarmed security as a "feel-good" move, but actually allowing them to carry a firearm (or any other weapon) only proves what you, me, and everyone else here at TFL already knows: GUNS SAVE LIVES!!! "


And heaven forbid we actually save lives, so long as the kids parents "Feel Good." (I say parents because, com'on, the kids don't actually expect the security to protect them, only to rat, "narc," on them if they break some rule.)

Do you do security for a school system?



New member
I'd like to believe Red Zone wrote tongue-in-cheek from frustration and anger - that the words were spoof and not intended to incite but to point out the despair felt by us all in this yet another tragic act.

Yes - I'd like to believe that. What say, Red Zone? Were you really ranting against the "system"?



New member
So far GWB has said...

so far as I know President Bush has NOT screamed "MORE GUN CONTROL".That seems good! Although, California it seems, in going to get like New York City. Only the criminals have guns there.