shooting at a Manhattan McDonalds

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New member
Strange to note, the plethora of existing gun laws in this country, plus an unusually large quotient that are peculiar to New York, State and City were not sufficient to prevent this latest criminal action. Obviously, more gun laws are needed. Strange to note, while more laws might be enacted, they, like those already existing, won't work either. Of course, the law abiding might be impacted, though that is not the purpose of enacting gun laws, or is it?


New member
McDonald's changed the recipe of their beef this year .That probably set the guy off !!

But things happen at those places. I watched a bald eagle catch a small animal no more than 25yds from the parking lot of a McDonald's !! I thought I was the only one who knew about that animal trail ! :eek:


New member
Regrettably the anti-gun folks will use this and similar situations to justify their actions. Remember in urban environments most people only associate guns with crime and not their more proper uses.

This falls right into the growing trend in this country to deny others their freedoms simply because you don’t like those activities. For instance we see calls to stop hunting simply because some don’t like to hunt, so no one else should either. This week I heard a protestor at a college campus state that freedom of speech should be restricted if it makes her feel uncomfortable. Also, a journalism professor attacked a student journalist because he was covering a public protest.

Sadly we have gone from battling over how much freedom we should have to battling over how much we should have taken away.


New member
The shooting didnt even happen at the Mc D's. It happened in the subway station close by.

The shooter went into McD's before heading into the subway station and opening fire.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Just an urban crime story. Standard comments, No links to the story. Thus, nothing to see here.

Closed without prejudice. Got something really interesting to add, let me know through PM.
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