Shooters using the "system"


New member
There were more product recalls
announced today.
As I understand it several million
infant cribs are involved as are
Barbie doll sunglasses.

It strikes me that with the government's
eagerness to save us from any harm, we
shooters might be able to use the system.

We all know that shooting can rapidly damage
our hearing. It strikes me that a caring
government would want to mitigate that harm
by encouraging the development and use of noise
abatement devices for our firearms.

Anyone have the number for the Consumer Product
Safety Commission? Think they'd help?


New member
Now that could really "backfire" on you. What if the "noise abatement" that was regulated, was that shooters could only use lighter, or subsonic loads?
Yeah, they'd be willing to "help", alright. It is precisely the "government's eagerness to save us from any harm" that will destroy all of our cherished and hard-won liberties. We'll all be very safe subjects.