Shoot them closer to the road.........


New member
On Tuesday afternoon Louann dropped me off on one end of a swamp bordered and then she drove about 3/4 mile down towards where the swamp hit a cross road and parked the truck. The wind was such that if I went east and she went west from where she parked the truck we would both be working across the wind and at the same time towards each other.

About 20 minutes before it got to dark to shoot I heard her .243 go off and at almost the same instant the thump of the bullet hitting home. As we'd been working basically towards oneanother I wasn't but maybe 150 yards away when she pulled the trigger.

She'd stalked him for quite a ways before finally shooting him at about 15 yards. Heart shot so he did not go but about 50 feet.

Wish he had run the other way......and a lot in towards the road!

Meat looked and smelled good........some will get fried at the market Friday for breakfast. And we saved a bit of the fat to render into lard. I'll let you know how the lard thing works out.

And a note on the bullet. Entered the left side just at the elbow, clipped a rib and then the off side shoulder blade. Came to rest just under the skin....a perfect mushroom. Federal Premium with the Sierra Game King 100 grain. It has been a very reliable bullet over the years.



New member
Great job.
When the game goes down the fun is over until you get it in the freezer. I have gotten them to the truck by dragging and cutting them up and using a packboard (on a couple of moose.)

It is a fringe benefit for being successful. :D

I have never eaten wild hog, but one that size should be great eating.



New member
Hello bswiv,,,

Congrats to your lady,,,

Is that an H&R Handi-Rifle that Louann is using?,,,
Not to hijack the thread but I'm a fan of that type of gun.

I have a Sportster in .22 LR,,,
And a Handi-Rifle in .357 Magnum,,,
I would love to try the .357 out on a hog.

I know it vaporizes Armadillos,,,
And a HUGE feral mutt on my Dad's property dropped in it's tracks.

A Handi-Rifle chambered in .243 must be like shooting a Laser.



Staff In Memoriam
Good shootin' to louann!!!

That is fine eatin', keg... I just don't see the unfit/inedible applying to properly handled hogs. Flavorful? Yes, but not in any way is it a bad flavor to anyone I have served it to.



New member
Now Brent...How do U properly handle hogs that make them fit to eat???

We are covered up in hogs around here....Texas has more wild pigs than any other state......And there are probably more in my county and surrounding counties than anywhere in this state..........People around here shoot them.......And cook them...No one I know tries to eat a mature boar pig.......
Only small boars and any size sow.........They stink when U shoot em and they stink when U cook em..........


Staff In Memoriam
I just handle them quick and get them on ice asap... I have cooked it up many times and folks just love the heck out of it no matter how I cooked and served it...:D



New member
We mostly BBQ on pit........But some are being more creative with wild hog meat nowdays............But like I said..never a mature boar...........We leave them layin.............


New member
I have had the same problem with some of the boar hogs around here. The bigger ones stink to high heaven the minute you open the hide.


New member
Exactly..Scout........It's hard for me to believe that this is just the case here in Texas..........This terrible musky smell comes from some glands that the larger boars have..........And they tend to get it all over them.........


New member
I once asked an elk guide, "Where is the best place to shoot an elk?"

He replied "As close to the pickup as possible."


New member
Good shootin' to louann!!!

That is fine eatin', keg... I just don't see the unfit/inedible applying to properly handled hogs. Flavorful? Yes, but not in any way is it a bad flavor to anyone I have served it to.



New member
With mature boars, you can have a great deal of variability on smell (and therefore, taste) depending on how much time he has been spending with his lady friends. A mature boar that has recently spent time servicing sows in heat will have lots of testosterone running through him and will stink much more than a loaner boar that hasn't been mating.


New member
I've heard all my life about hogs smelling bad but find them no more so than deer................but then I've spent most of my life in a fishmarket so what would I know......

So long as they taste good..........

And as for smell........let me tell you about a fishmarket dumpster on a July day in Florida.......buzzards won't fly down wind of the thing!


New member
Your wife made a great shot bswiv, congratulations.


I hunt in Leon county, just south of you, and have shot, processed, and eaten hogs up to 300 lbs. None of them had a foul odor - except a couple that were gut shot - or taste. Most of the hogs over 300 lbs have been left in the fields because they are usually tick covered, and not worth the risk of any disease. I cut and process my hogs just as I do my deer, and they have all been very fine tasting.


New member
ok so i grew up on a hog farm and the biggest reason most people stay away from a big mature boar is simple.... testosterone....

growing up, if grandpa wasnt going to use a boar piglet for breeding, it got castrated with a teeny tiny rubber band. because the meat became so strong you could almost not stomach the taste once it was butcher weight

now i did notice that sometimes he didnt castrate em, but they tasted ok. my thinking on this is simple. he had another huge boar on site that was running his sows.... so the younger smaller males didnt beef up on testosterone and thus the meat was "cleaner"

very nice hog btw... let us know how he tastes in the end, and how you prepped the meat


New member
Adventures of Louann

These are some of the best hunting posts on TFL. Always a good side story to go along with the hunt. My favorite is the snake story. Thanks and keep at it.