Shoot On Sight

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roy reali

New member
I know a guy here that if he crosses paths with any snake and he happens to have any firearm on him, he shoots the creature. Forget trying to explain to him that gopher snakes not only eat rodents, but rattlesnakes too, to him the only good snake is a dead snake.

The only animal that I will shoot on sight, without a second thought, is a starling. If one is sitting on a branch and I have my .22 rifles, if there no safety concerns, I'll shoot. Even if the range is questionable, I'll send a piece of lead towards it. If one flies anywhere near me when I have a shotgun in hand, I'll try to bring the bird down.

Are there any creatures that you will shoot on sight, no second thoughts?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam

As for starlings or grackles? Way, way back, I saw a bunch of grackles land in a small oak tree in my front yard. (Out in the country.) Maybe thirty or so. I eased out the door with a 20-gauge and cut loose. It rained grackles.

Within two minutes or so, here came more grackles, landing in that tree. A bigger bunch than the first.

I figured I was in a re-write of Alfred Hitchcock's "Birds". No more bang-bang for me, no sir!. I went and got the wheelbarrow to haul away the carcasses.

Enough's enough...


New member
I don't shoot any thing on sight as a rule. But, if I have my dander up, a snake might get dispatched more likely than not. I hate snakes.


New member
All snakes are protected in NY !! Of the many types here there are two bad ones , rattlers and copperheads.Their pupils are verticle slit while the good ones have round pupils.


New member
About people that kill all snakes....

......and the idea that the only good snake is a dead snake.....It's usually attributable to a phobia, often times religious in origin. "Now the Serpent was more subtle than any beast........" So if the snake is the embodiment of Satan, then all snakes are evil. A person doesn't have to be religious; old superstitions do not die easily.


New member
For me, snakes and coyotes. I've gotten a lot better about snakes than I used to be, so I now will mostly only shoot poisonous ones. I'd also have no hesitation about feral dogs, cats, or hogs. I've just never come across one when hunting.


New member
i leave snakes alone except for water moccasins. mean buggers that are easy to corner or step on accidentally. I kill hogs with extreme prejudice. coyotes, armadillos, opossums, skunks, coons die if i'm not deer hunting, don't want to ruin my deer hunt.


New member
Shoot on site: (no particular order)
1. Feral cats that don't look too healthy.
2. Any dog running big game.
3. Escaped goats. (Call them feral if you want. They shouldn't be where I shoot/hunt. Fish and Game agrees.)
4. Sheep herders' dogs, left on the lease after the deadline to have everything out. (They will end up doing #2, and I don't care how much people think the owner might return. They never do. They come back with new dogs every year.) Officially, the Fish and Game should get a call about these dogs, so the warden can put them down. Unofficially, it saves a lot of time and paperwork, if they don't have to come out.
5. Dandelions. I hate dandelions.

You won't ever see my shoot a snake, just to shoot a snake. Unless a venomous species (rattlers around here) is posing a serious threat, that cannot be avoided, I won't shoot them. But if I do... they're pretty tasty.


And what do we use to shoot a Pterodactyl?

Never shot anything on site. There has to be a rhyme or reason.

Well, except a paper target.


New member
normally the pterodactyl takes a AAA gun or something of the nature, after all it wouldn't be fair chase to shoot it on its perch;)


New member
Never snakes

I like snakes - all kinds. They keep the pest population at reasonable levels. But I don't like racoons. Shoot them whenever I legally can.

But I really despise Twinkies for many reasons. Greasy, tough on the digestion, and generally bad. Tough to kill though. A Twinkie can survive a lot of 5mm pellets. Most of the pellets go through and through with very little tissue damage.
All snakes are protected in NY !! Of the many types here there are two bad ones , rattlers and copperheads.Their pupils are verticle slit while the good ones have round pupils.

The problem here is that if you are close enough to ascertain pupil shape, you may already be too close.

I believe that only indigenous snakes (and other herps) are what is being protected under NY law. Non-native species don't receive the same protection.
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