Shoot n' C Targets


New member
I had seen them around for years but never actually tried them until about a year ago. I always figured they were kind of a gimmick or waste of money. Then a buddy of mine had one and I tried it out just for fun. Now, I am hooked on them.

I just love not having to run my indoor targets back or use an optical devices to see where my shots landed when using iron sights at longer distance. They give a feeling of instant gratification. My only complaint about them is the little cover-up stickers could be larger, so I can use the same target longer with larger calibers. (Even a "tight" group with a .44 mag or .45 acp leaves some big holes to patch.)

Anyone else a fan of them?


New member
I really like them at the indoor range. Cant see the holes at 50' but with the shoot n see you can. Saves a lot of time running the targets back and forth when you're on the clock.


New member
Shoot N C targets really helped me improve my aim. The problem is the Indoor range I typically go to has crappy lighting and I wear glasses. If it is hot at all I tend to sweat and sooner or later the glasses get a little splotchy. Add in the fact that the indoor lighting is bad and on a good day its not too easy to see the holes in the target 30 feet away you have a problem.

With the Shoot N C Targets it is so damn easy to see where you are hitting and adjust your aim its not even funny. Not only is it fun to see the holes I really see the value in paying a little extra money for them. If you get the smaller ones(about the size of a pie plate) they are actaully pretty fairly priced.


New member
The Wife and I have used them for years. Plus, when you peel them off you can use the sticker backing as an additional target.

At the short range range (7 yds), we like to use the sticker and the dots as targets, and use the sticker backing when we shift over to more tactical (ie more fast snap shooting) practice.

Evan Thomas

New member
Yep. Love 'em. They're great for those of us with "mature" eyes... who would otherwise be fumbling with binos all the time. And at the gravel pit, you can stick them to all sorts of things...

Yes, bigger cover-up stickers would be nice. So would more of them in the package.


New member
You can actually order them with a large amount per package, either directly or through several online sporting good companies.

And agreed they are excellent for those of us with "mature" eyes. Next best thing to shooting cans.


New member
I love em. Stick a roll of electric tape in your pocket and cut, tear or bite off little squares to patch the target and do it all over!