Shipping to Canada --


New member
Glock Talk people are slow to reply today, and I need an answer ASAP.

Can I legally ship an AR-15 upper to a resident of Canada?

On the customs form, would I just put "gun parts"?



New member
You can legally do it, it's just that the monkeys at Canada Customs are going to lose their minds over the "machine gun" they just prevented from being smuggled into the country; legally, an AR upper is just "parts", but "gun parts" sets off warning bells in the 1-volt minds of most of these clowns. Also, if the upper contains a barrel, or consists of parts worth more than $100, I'm sure they're going to want to see an export permit from the US and an import permit from Canada; it's this sort of horse excrement that the government is using to eliminate as many gun owners as they can up here.


New member
Export permit? What the heck is that? Does it cost me money?

My intent is to take it to the post office in a box. Declare it gun parts and put it on its merry way.

It will be insured. So, if the guy never gets the upper, would he get the amount that it was insured for?


New member
Shipping to an another country means exporting. There are different rules and definitions with regards to firearms and their parts.
Within the U.S a barrel, or a slide would only be considered a firearm part and therefore there are no regulations as to shipping them. As far as exporting is concerned, in addition to frames, parts such as barrels, cylinders, slides and complete breech mechanisms would be considered firearms.

These require a license to export from the department of defense.
The department of defensive trade controls handles this, their website:

Do a search on google for Firearm exporters, they are usually FFLs who also handle these type of things. Usually an import license, and purchase order are required from the buyer. It may take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months for them to clear the export license.

The US may have special rules(easier?) for export to Canada compared to some other countries. You will have to check with them though.


New member
OMG, I gotta get a permit from the DOD to ship a freakin' gun part across the boarder. Oh well, guess I'll have tell the poor Canadian I can't do it...