Shipping Magazines to the Philippines??


New member
I have a person from the Philippines interested in purchasing some pistol magazines I have for sale. Any legal issues I should be aware of? I just want to be sure I am not breaking any laws domestic, international or otherwise. Please advise.


I wouldnt sell any gun parts or acessories overseas for any reason, unless exported with papers



New member
I live in Yuma, and every so often drive to the border crossing at Algodones, Mexico for a cheap haircut or a carton of cigarettes as it is only a short drive. One of the signs on the U.S. side says that guns are illegal in Mexico, and another sign advises that one must have an export permit to send firearms out of the U.S. It might be that magazines fall into this category (of U.S. law) so I would look into it first.
I know some Filipinos. I'll ask them if they know. Then again, they might say "yes" just for the sake of improving the chances of overthrowing their president. :rolleyes: She and her party are in deep doo-doo right now for fixing the election.


The reason that I said no is due to you may be deemed as an "arms dealer" by international law. The US may see you as illegally exporting "arms" to other countries and then bust you for it (I think there is some kind of law about exporting "arms" to other countries that the Customs and FBI will bust you for).

Also, even if the US doesn't have any laws against it, there is still international law. Now, while you are in the US, you can't be touched but if you goto Canada, Mexico or out of the US, then they can bust you and the US can't do anything about it.



New member
Do a search in ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
Generally you cannot export wepaons or parts without a permit. Even a box of bullets (not ammunition, just bullets).