Shipping "assault weapons" to CA


New member
Does anyone know a source for laws pertaining to shipping "assault weapons" to Kalifornia? I have a buyer for my PTR 91, but it is in Ca. I'm being told if the pistol grip is removed, everything is okay. This doesn't sound right. Any help is appreciated.

I have to update this post. I just read the e-mail again, and the guy says that a recent lawsuit made shipping of these weapons okay sans pistol grip, but also added that shipping with the ammo in same package is okay. Now I'm really unsure about the veracity of the earlier claim on shipping the rifle!
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New member
Personally, I would get the number of the ffl holder he wants it shipped to and then verify that number on the batf site. The ffl can then inform you of the laws regarding shipping to the sorry state of kali. (can we vote them out of the union???). I see no reason to put your own butt on the line for someone who doesn't know the rules.


New member
Danger!!! Be very careful! Call the CAL DOJ and ask for a letter confirming anything you might do is legal! And why does he need ammo sent? You can get .308 anywhere in CA!


New member
The DOJ on Kali is an excellent idea. I thought with so many experts on board here someone could at least keep me from wasting my time if this is not going to happen. The reason for the ammo is because it is part of the deal. It is south african (a case, with tracers) all sealed in "rubberized??" waterproof pouches, and it's getting a little scarce.

The guy who is requesting the rifle is the FFL. But as we know, not all FFLs are created equal. So he can tell me it's legal all day long, but if he's wrong, well it's my butt on the line. The idea that you can ship an assault weapon as long as the pistol grip is removed makes little sense to me, and I am almost positive that sending ammo and a rifle together is a no no nationwide. He has already told me that sending the ammo and rifle together is okay. So, I am a little more than mildly concerned at this point.

And btw, there's 11 20 rd mags included, as well as original Hk furniture.

Opinions welcome.
I was living in the valley (Kal) when they outlawed "assault" rifles. I knew a dealer (no names, please) who had a stock of the newly outlawed guns.

He cut off the pistol grips and the flash suppressors (the presence of either is forbidden on a semi auto rifle with detachable clip). He continued to sell them. For awhile.

The DOJ confiscated his entire stock. He literally went broke defending himself. They kept the guns. He lost his shop. It was one less gun store in Kalifornia. And that's what the left-wingers wanted in the first place.

His shop was in Modesto. If you want more info, it shouldn't be hard.

Do not, I repeat, do not try to mess with the Kalifornia DOJ. Kalifornia isn't sane, anymore.


New member
Well that was encouraging. :) I can see what you mean. I have been at the website reading some of the statutes, and it is mind boggling.
I have been at the website reading some of the statutes, and it is mind boggling.

Kalifornia lawmakers are devious and absolutely opposed to your constitutional rights. They are fond of changing gun laws without notice.

For example, they changed the law on transporting handguns at least three times in the seven years I lived there. It got to the point that everytime I went to the range I had to call the DOJ to find out what to do.

For awhile, I tried calling the local police dept, but I got tired of none of them knowing what to do. And that's the kicker. Because if you get pulled over and have a handgun, local LEOs don't know if it's legal or not. Then you're in for a real hassle.

They are committed to ensuring that, at some point in the future, it will be too expensive/complicated for the average Joe to own guns. And if you've noticed, San Francisco has already outlawed the private ownership of handguns.


New member
San Francisco has not outlawed owning handguns. That whole Prop. H thing is still up in the air (being challenged) and has lost alot of support. There is a mid-June deadline for the judge to make a ruling.

Rob P.

The mags are absolutely illegal to ship to california. As is the tracer ammo. If your FFL has stated it's OK to ship him the stuff, I'd be skeptical that the deal is totally legit.

Either you're being set up by a DOJ sting operation, or the FFL isn't honest. In either case I'd say to run away as fast as you can.


New member
ROB P.... coudln't the high cap mags be legally sent to the FFL so he could then turn around and sell them to a Commifornia police agency and just not a civilian?

otherwise where would the DOJ get their magazines... weapons.. etc... someone has to sell them

I could be way off though..... just my $.02


Rob P.

Law enforcement has their own source of official procurement direct from the mfg's and don't use commercial retail businesses for this.

Tracer ammo is way way illegal and has been for some time.


New member
interesting Rob... well we need more manufacturers to follow the steps of Ronnie Barret whom decided to no longer sell guns to any state agency in California due to their oppressive laws.

Its a radical position but it sure does hammer the point home.


New member
Well it is the FFL who is requesting the mags and for those of you who arent familiar, there is a hi cap mag license or some such thing that has to be renewed every year, and he says he has one.

But shipping ammo and rifle together? Shipping of assault weapon okay if pistol grip removed? ***??

Why would tracer ammo be illegal? *I deleted all of my "flaming" references from the post after further review*


New member
We are trying to kick the left wing out but it is a slow slog. I am not hopeful.

Also, the SF handgun ban was 86'd due to preemption of state law. However, various nifty ideas from Washington DC's ban are going to be implemented, with the additional interesting idea that local police can enter a residence at any time of their choosing to make sure laws re gun locks and safes are being obeyed. No PC, no nothing. The Borg have landed...


New member
Check out California Penal Code 12290.

Licensed gun dealers are only permitted to possess an assault weapon or .50 cal for repair, as long as they have a permit to sell AW or BMG under 12287. And it appears that dealers are only permitted to transport such arms between dealers - so it looks like you'd need to have a dealer in your own state ship it to the California dealer.

Also, check 12276.1 - "capacity to accept" - if your rifle has the "capacity to accept" a pistol grip and has a detachable magazine, it's an AW.

As far as California law is concerned, you need to treat "assault weapons" and >10-capacity magazines the same way you'd treat a kilogram of heroin. Are you shipping that heroin to a DEA licensed morphine manufacturing facility for pharmaceutical use? Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?

It's really that bad.


New member
Why doesn't someone try to kick the left wing out instead?

Because the productive people who don't like 9.3% income taxes and 8.25% sales taxes and victim disarmament, and tax money for dead-end cannibalistic stem-cell research, and the crushing of the low-end job market (and schools and hospitals) by illegal immigration, have been fleeing to Nevada, Florida, Montana, and New Hampshire, leaving a higher concentration of left-wingers.



The voters don't choose their representatives, the representatives choose their voters.


New member
armoredman wrote:
Danger, Will Robinson! Run, don't walk away from this "deal", THOU ART BEING SET UP.

This is the message I recently got from a "perspective buyer"....

about WASR


do you have some pictures from both sides?
I live in California and recently bought WASR in 762, but would like to have 545 as well.
But you cannot send it with clip more than 10 rd and with attached grip.
My dealer told me that if rifle will arrive with no pistol grip and only 10 rd mags - he will transfer to me.

Thanks in advance,

This is what I wrote back because I'm pretty suspicious of laws I don't know inside and out.

I would love to do so, but am pretty leery to sell to California. But since it would be your FFL's head and not mine it maybe possible. Send me his phone # and I will talk over the legalities to it with hima nd we can go from there. BTW, I do not have any 10 rnd mags nor know where to get them, but I will remove the original mags and pistol grip if desired if we proceed.

It's been 4 days and I have not heard a word back on this. What do you all think?