Shipping Ammo ... legally

David Bachelder

New member
There are a vast majority of auction listers that really don't care what is legal and what is not. If you ship illegally this post is not for you.

If you are interested in the truth .... read on.


The United States Post Office does not allow the shipment of loaded ammunition, period. This information can be found in the "Domestic Mail Manual" under Mailability, a dull read that is full of facts, not hearsay or what is tossed around in some forums.

I never use UPS so I realy can't state what they do.

FedEx allows shipment of live ammunition as long as the package is marked ORM-D (Other Regulated Materials-Domestic). FedEx defines domestic as it can not be shipped outside of the Continental US. Alaska and Hawaii are outside of the Continental US therefore shipment of Live Ammo to either is forbidden by FedEx. DOT has a much different view of Domestic. For now, the only marking required by FedEx is ORM-D. The ORM-D stickers are available at some office supply outlets, shipping supply outlets and a lot of places online. They often are printed in blue ink with the letters printed inside a retangular box. Sometimes they include the wording "Consumer Comodity" "Surface Only" or "Limited Quantity", sometimes all. The labels are not required to be blue or be printed by any one in particular. Any word processor is capable of producing a legal label. It can be black, blue, red or any other color. This can be done at home with any computer and printer. The ORM-D label must be placed on the front of the mail piece next to the address label. FedEx does not apply hazmat charges for ORM-D shipments as long as they are shipped "Ground". Packages that contain Live Ammo and are shipped via air are subject to several other requirements, including other labels and Hazardous Material Fees. Ground would be the preferred method of delivery.

It is not illegal to recieve an improperly labeled package, it is only illegal to ship an improperly labeled package. In other words the shipper is ultamately responsible. Shipping regulations are specified by DOT (Department Of Transportation). Common carriers like USPS, UPS and FedEx sometimes enhance these regulations to fit thier own needs. As long as they stay within DOT requirements most anything goes. DOT doesn't bust many people for illegal shipments, however, if they do find a violater they will punish you to the full extent of the law. The fines they impose are astronomical.

Things are changing. DOT has decided to review existing regulations and instigate a few changes. As far as I know USPS shipping of live ammo will not change, it will remain forbidden. UPS, like I said I don't know.

As far as FedEx goes here is what will be required for Ground Shipments as of January 1st, 2014.

The current rules changed January 1, 2011, FedEx is now saying the new packaging requirements will be required as of Jan 1, 2014. I'm supposing there was a grace period.

See: New FedEx Requirements. As you can see very little will change. The label will now have to be worded as "Limited Quantity" and contain the specific "Diamond label".

In a nutshell:
USPS - So far Live ammo is forbidden, period. This may change, I don't know.
UPS - Unknown to me.
FedEx - Ship via Ground within the Continental US and label as ORM-D. After Jan 1st, 2014 the ORM-D label will no longer be allowed and replaced with the proper "Diamond Label" along with a "Limited Quantity" label. I'm assuming computer generated labels are still allowed.

Clear as mud? No wonder shipping laws are so misunderstood.
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New member
This post can be summerized by saying you can ship ammo but not through the mail. Nothing wrong with using UPS, I do it all the time with ammo. I just avoid using them to ship guns. Seems like they're challenged to break them.


The regulations that apply to Fedex also apply to UPS.
You can use ANY common carrier ( USPS), but for the small amounts typically involved with an individual, either of those two work best


New member
Keep in mind you usually have to take ammo shipments to the hub center and NOT to any of the various storefront shipping facilities. They usually will not accept ammunition shipments. Alternatively you can open an account with either UPS or FedEx and they will come up to your front door and pick up the shipment. All billing can be made to your credit card automatically.

When shipping ammo, it is strongly suggested that you either use a new carton or remove any markings on the carton. And be sure to pack well and tape up the carton well. The shipping monkeys like to try to break open packages.

David Bachelder

New member
FedEx charges you $2.00 per package for the pick up. They also charge you another $2.00 if your package is delivered to a residence.

Businesses that ship live ammo will have to pass thesee costs down to the customer. Especially businesses or individuals that do not ship enough volume to qualify for the huge discounts associated with volume shipping.


New member
Possibly a NY State issue.

I think our ammo purchasing ability in NYS changes on 1/2014. We supoosedly will need NICS checks to purchase ammo!!!!!!!! maybe this plays into that??