She's now my ex fantasy babe.


New member
Oleg Quote:
"What a lovely combination: a lousy actress AND an enemy of human rights... "

I think she is a good's a shame that I won't
be able to watch any more of her movies.....damn!!!:(

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Won't argue about talent: the one movie in which she did a fine job (Michael Collins) I did not recognize her till I saw the credits.

I find it ironic that folks like her get air time based on their competence in acting though the competence in the subject at hand might be missing.


New member
Just change your fantasy babe to either the woman who plays 7 of 9 on startrek, or the redhead from that 70's show. Both are avid shooters, and very easy on the eyes.


New member
Yeah, another UGLY piece of Hollywood trash.

How could anyone think she is good-looking?

I agree. I have never seen what all the fuss is about. I wouldn't even rank her as average, but to each his own.


New member
Celebrity vs. Wisdom

A problem with American today: People mistake celebrity status (by acting talent or looks or both in this case) with intellect or some form of true greatness. Just because she is a CELEBRITY for acting and getting 10 million or whatever a pic does not mean that she is any *wiser* than anyone else, it just means she has whatever it takes to be an in-demand actress. She has no more wisdom (and apparently less) than anyone else in matters political, economic or whatever....just like Baldwin, Sheen, and the like. You don't have to be wiser than anyone else to be a famous actress or singer or whatever, you just have to be talented in a narrow (though admittedly rare and desirable) sense. There aren't many folks who are famous for being smart or wise, at least not many that the masses see on the idiot box every 5 seconds enjoying the extravagant lifestyle the Hollywooders do. People, if they can't really emulate someone, look up to and become fans because that is the closest they will ever be to being rich, famous, beautiful, all that that the stars have. That is why folks cluster to the celebs they admire, look up to them, and take up their causes. They have confused
celebrity with intellect or wisdom and are led (in their beliefs or actions) by those unworthy of leading. True leaders and heroes are not in the business of self-promotion, and will never get the following and attention they deserve. I'm sure somebody else has said this before, I don't claim the idea, seems like I read something along this line recently, just thought it was germaine to the discussion. Seems like it was Walter Williams (speaking of not being as famous as you deserve) that commented on this.


New member
"He's embarrassing." "He's not my President." "He will never by my President." I said the same thing about Clinton. Now it's your turn Julia! T.S. Watch-Six


New member
No great loss for me, since I never found her attractive. And who cares what her political views are? She's where she is because: a) some find her attractive; b) she has a nice figure; c) she has some degree of acting talent; and d) she was lucky. People become celebrities for myriad reasons, many having nothing to do with intellect whatsoever. Would anyone know who Alec Baldwin is if he looked like Dick Cheney? Yet Baldwin gets more respect from a chunk of the population than does Cheney. Go figure.

I have to love this, though: "Weinstein said: "If you had a recount today, Al Gore would get 90 percent of the vote and Bush would get 10 percent, and Bill Clinton would be the honorary Treasury secretary and we wouldn't have this economic crisis, because the way the stock market was going we're all going to be wiped out."

What glue bottle has this dufus been sniffing from for the last year?


Marvin Gardens

New member
Well said, 147

As for Weinstein, if he truly has so little grasp of economics that he believes Bush is responsible for current stock market conditions, I am glad I am not betting my retirement fund on Miramax stock.

But anyway, I think we all read this tripe and react emotionally. This is what these statements are supposed to do....elicit a response. These people don't think for themselves, they have handlers that tell them what to say and when to say it. She is campaigning for an Oscar. She said something that got a lot of ink, something that all of that crowd that is marching in lockstep (or goosestep) believe that they are supposed to agree with. It's all about money, ego, power and what the P.R. firms think they should say and do.

If it meant an Oscar or another million on the next contract, these people would join the Nazi party. They don't really's business. None of it is real anyway. The truly sad part is that some people will base their thinking (and voting) on the press release of someone that you wouldn't leave alone with your children.



New member
Yeah, she 'pretends' for a living ... that makes her a political genius! Earth to Julia, earth to Julia - those movies aren't real!

These actors get so wrapped up in themselves and their egos that they actually think we 'care' what they say!

It's amazing. :barf:


New member
Wienerstein & Roberts Polute Environment.

Listened to RUSH during lunch time as he declared Julia Roberts the WINNER of Clinton Golden Phallus Award. Unforunately for Weiner-stein, he just didn't measure-up!

The bleeding heart liberals are full of bovine defecation.
The majority of the American public think that George W. is on the right track and will not buy this load of BS.

Yea, and I vote with my dollars. I'll remember all these liberal Clintonites the next time I rent or attend a movie.

Enuf said.


New member
Everytime I see a picture of Julia Roberts, it reminds me of a line Rodney Dangerfield said in Caddyshack:

"Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it"!