Sheehan Commercial...


New member
Sheehan Commercial....
anyone see this horse crap?

cindy sheehan basically goes "you were wrong about the war, you were wrong about the WMD, you lied, you killed my son" "we should stop this now"


oh and where did I see this?! CNN :barf: :mad: :barf: :barf:

i was watching it for the news on Katrina....what a disgusting sorry excuse for a human.


Mike P.

"you were wrong about the war, you were wrong about the WMD, you lied,"

I see nothing at all wrong with this part. The other points certainly are debatable. I can't say that I agree with your point about her being a disgusting human being either. I find Bush's character and conduct to be much worse for starting this whole nonsensical mess in Iraq.


New member
No evidence that the Prez lied; just that he had bad intelligence, as did all the other countries outside Iraq. Cindy's pathetic...kind of like that chain-smoking lung cancer patient, Sarah Brady's lecturing us on "gun safety."

It's terrible that Cindy lost her son, but she didn't sacrifice her son's life; he did. Wouldn't it be surprising if some airhead from Kalifornia DIDN'T surface to bash Bush?


I'd be interested to see where the money to pay for the commercial came from.



New member
rebar it actually was something about "familes gold" or something to that...i was to angry to remeber it...

it wa sabout a 30 second commercial...



rebar it actually was something about "familes gold" or something to that
I think she calls her organization "gold star families for peace" or something like that. But someone is funding them, and that someone is most likely our good gun-grabbing socialist buddy George Soros.


"you were wrong about the war, you were wrong about the WMD, you lied,"
If thats the content of the Sheehad Ad, It meets or exceeds the standards for "truth in advertising". "if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it".Do you STILL believe Bush?


New member
"you were wrong about the war, you were wrong about the WMD, you lied,"

I see nothing at all wrong with this part.

Good grief! One more time- chemical weapons ARE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, check the definition. But of course, I'm sure the videos of our soldiers finding the chemical weapons shown on all major news channels was just staged by Bush, Rove, and Rumsfield.

*edit here's a recent link. took about .25 seconds to find it

Mike P.


From your own article:

"Boylan said the suspected lab was new, dating from some time after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. The Bush administration cited evidence that Saddam Hussein's government was manufacturing weapons of mass destruction as the main justification for the invasion. No such weapons or factories were found."


If saddam hussein didn't have WMD's, then what did he use to kill all those Kurds with?

Cindy Sheehan IS a despicable human being. She is profiteering on her son's valiant death. This was not a spontaneous event. It was fully orchestrated and funded by leftists. If it were spontaneous, and the majority of Americans supported her, then there would be thousands upon thousands of people flocking to attend the 'event'. As it is, there are about a hundred, and some of those were hired rent-a-mobs.

Those of you who claim that the WMD's were a "lie" might want to go back and review the situation again when Democrats, AND Republicans, AND most of the rest of the world (excluding Germany and France) believed that saddam hussein had WMD's, and recommended swift action. In addition, hussein had over eight months to move/hide/cache all WMD's...most likely in Syria.

Stop letting your television do your thinking for you. We are winning. Rather, we (read that as the coalition) won, and are merely in the mop-up stage.

Release your vitriolic hatred of President Bush. It isn't hurting anyone but yourself. Live is already to short.

Mike P.

I heard Powell's speach at the UN. We didn't invade for either the gassed Kurds or Iranians. The vitriolic haters of this woman fall much further in the despicable human being camp AFAIC. And I think the lady is kind of weird and way too leftwing for my tastes. Anyone that thinks that we are in the mopping up stage is sadly mistaken. We haven't even scratched the surface. Nothing is secure outside of heavily armed ecampments. You can pull the vitriolic hatred card if you want. The man sent alot of good men to there death based if not on deliberate lies, then extremely stupid intelligence gathering (cherry picking) and analysis. That's a pretty good reason to hate him. I don't particularly like the guy, but I'm not in the vitriolic hate camp either. I voted for him both times (voted straight Republican too BTW). I couldn't stand Kerry at all. But I am not in the worship of George Bush like God camp and believe everything that says and support everything that he does without even a thought camp either that the many Republicans on gun boards seem to fall into. This is certainly the camp the most devoid of critical thinking skills.




Bearing this in mind...

...Anyone that thinks that we are in the mopping up stage is sadly mistaken. We haven't even scratched the surface. Nothing is secure outside of heavily armed ecampments. You can pull the vitriolic hatred card if you want. The man sent alot of good men to there death based if not on deliberate lies, then extremely stupid intelligence gathering (cherry picking) and analysis...

Do you hate former presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson? They sent a lot of good men to die too, and their 'intelligence gathering' wasn't 100% either. Perhaps former impeached president/draft dodger Bill Clinton? He sent good men to die as well. Well, shoot...he even protested against good men that were sent to die.


George Washington?
Abraham Lincoln?
John F. Kennedy?

IIRC, all these presidents sent men to die too. Do you hate them?

Furthermore, where are you getting all of your information on Iraq? There is electricity. There are new schools. There are new roads. Free elections. A soon to be, honest to goodness constitution. Women even (gasp) vote! Do you classify these momentous events as failures? How easily you are swayed by the mass media complex. Critical thinking, indeed.

Mike P.

"Furthermore, where are you getting all of your information on Iraq? There is electricity. There are new schools. There are new roads. Free elections. A soon to be, honest to goodness constitution. Women even (gasp) vote! Do you classify these momentous events as failures? How easily you are swayed by the mass media complex. Critical thinking, indeed."

Reliable electricity service isn't there. I don't where you got your propaganda for that little piece. What new roads were built? The Constitution isn't anywhere near complete. The Sunnis have large problems with it. It isn't up for an approval vote until October 15. Women's rights still face an uphill battle since there is definite fundamentalist flavor to the new government of Iraq.

And besides your swallowing of propaganda, I thought we invaded Iraq as part of the War on Terror. You know, WMDs and Al Quaeda support. Not for democracy exportation and humanitarian reasons? That just seems so Bill Clintonesque.


New member
Those are legitimate questions.........asked by the commercial

1. Show me the WMD! Squat has been found yet Iran and Korea are thumbing thier noses at us while developing nuclear weapons.. So we start a war with iraq over WMD?

2. Its about freedom........Well Mr. Bush if its about freedom where is the list of countries we need to liberate?

those administration answers sound like crap to me.......

The answers this administation has given are poor answers....