She looked lonely surrounded by all those bottom feeders! Whats a man to do?

Well I left my 20's behind on my birthday back in June when I turned 30. I've been looking for a Model 57 since that day. I haven't found many since then and when I did find one it was in less condition than I was willing to tolerate.

I go into my local gun store today with the intention of ordering a New Model 57 "classic" which I really didn't want to do because I really wanted a pre-lock. Well as I walked by the guns I see this beautifully blued honey sitting amongst a bunch of Auto chuckers.

It was a well kept Model 29-3 with an 8 3/8" barrel. I asked if i could check it out. The man handed it to me and this baby was in mint condition! You could hardly and I mean hardly make out any cylinder latch drag marks on it, bluing was all there not even a scratch and tight as hell.

Well I bought it in remembrance of my last year being in my 20's "29".

I already took her out back and fired 30 rounds through her and I couldn't be happier!:cool:

She is going to be my new deer gun as I have decided to hang my long guns up and get into hand gun hunting only.

I’m still looking for a nice Model 57 though!




First six shots fired from 25 yards standing two hand unsupported. Shooting my loads of 240 gr XTP over H110.

Twelve shots same loads same distance: The hole from next to the back of the grip was the ricochet from the next photo shot.

Do you feel lucky Folgers in your cup?..... Water filled jug at 25 yards
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New member
Very slick my friend,,,

I personally don't care for guns with barrels longer than 6 to 6.5 inches,,,
But I do understand their appeal to other folk who do like them,,,
Probably easier to aim then my 6" model 629.

Yours is a beautiful specimen,,,
Are you going to mount a scope on it?

Nice find man,,,
Good luck finding that model 57 as well.

Lol, I'm not that old!

I rather have a 6 1/2" barrel too, but the longer barrels don't bother me. I'm
6' 3" and I carry all of my revovlers in the same uncle mikes shoulder rig. So I don't notice the extra barrel length.

No I'm not going to mount a scope, some guys like a scope but I think they look awful on a revolver let alone a lever gun. I hunt thick woods and all of my bucks have been shot 50 yards and less so the scope would just be extra weight.


I never shot a coffee can that didn't deserve it!;)


New member
Nice gun nevertoomany. There is something special about owning a 29. Its not just another 44 magnum, it was the first (in a DA revolver), and arguably, still the best.

Here is a vintage S&W 44 mag ad I have.


I personally don't care for guns with barrels longer than 6 to 6.5 inches,,,

I rather have a 6 1/2" barrel too, but the longer barrels don't bother me.

Like this one? A 4 screw 1958 44 magnum (pre model 29). :D


American Eagle

New member
Oh no, not the can of Folgers....what did it ever do to you? Next time send me the whole can of coffee. I love my cup of Folgers every morning.

Anyway, you have quite a revolver there. Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations, and don't forget to post pictures of the first deer you bag with that beauty. :D

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Sweet! Not much beats a good old model 29. I've gone looking for a .41 magnum myself once or twice, and come home with more .44s.
Buffalo Bore Ammo

Heavy .44 Magnum +P+ Ammo - 340 gr. L.F.N. - G.C.
(1,478 fps/M.E. 1,649 ft. lbs.) - 20 Round Box


The mainstream 44 Mag ammos is fairly mild alongside the stuff in that advertisement above. But Buffalo Bore sells these thumpers. :D


New member
Very nice.

You are really going to enjoy it.

With light loads you can shoot it all day and not feel punished by recoil.

I've got it's twin and some cousins and they all shoot nice.


New member
Aside from what you already said...

...another good use of a 29 is one of many cool poses with the gun, such as:

The ever popular Dirty Harry pose, many variations of course.


Do you feel lucky punk, well do ya?


No quote for this one, perhaps I'm afraid you've misjudged me from later in the movie


My personal favorite Go ahead, make my day


Are you talking to me? Also with the 8 3/8 barrel

Just think, you could be just like those guys because you bought a 29.


New member
Nice find! Congrats! I gotta think that barrel length is a bit rare no? All I ever see around where I live is the 4 or 6 if I recall correctly. I am glad to see so many fellow revolver lovers out there. I cut my teeth on autos but over the years my collection has slowly shifted and is now definitely made up of more revolvers than autos with no indication of shifting back the other way. In fact I have another revolver on layaway right now at the fun shop I am paying on. It really is a sickness, hahaha!
Thanks for the comments.

I need to get my new loader (Dillon 550B) setup ASAP so I can start practicing a lot with the new gun. I have an RCB single stage loader but it's time consuming to load with it.

I have one question about grips. I don't mind the grips that came on her but they are a tad bit large, and I do have fairly large hands. I see that S&W sell the new "classic" revolvers with thinner grips. They sell them from their online site and they look nice. Has anyone used these new grips and what are your opinions on them?

Duke City Six

New member
That's a beauty. Nice shooting, too.

As to the current S&W grips, I have a set of the smooth targets on a K-frame 38 special and I love them. I don't have experience with the new checkered grips, or the N-frames for that matter, but my hunch is that if you find the traditional targets a little too big, the new smooth ones might be just right.
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