She Finally Arrived - Caution: Nice 1911 Content


New member
Very nice. They called a week ago to tell me my National Match Hardball was finally ready. Been waiting 1 year 7 months.
I waited about a year and a half or so. I might suggest to anyone who might go for it to place the order and forget about it. Don't pay attention to estimated delivery dates because it's a one man show and it seems like quality isn't sacrificed as demand goes way up.
I'd say that you can't go wrong with any of the semi-customs from RRA, Les Baer or Wilson (or most production guns). Whichever has the features that you like will definitely serve you well.
Haven't shot it yet, but will by the end of the week. I'm on my way now, though, to pick up a case of ammo.
And, yes, it's worth the wait. It's a very solid, well put together piece. I'd recommend it to anyone and seems like a good value. But, again, a Les Baer, Wilson or any other is also a good choice especially if you're not into the wait.
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New member
Good luck with the new piece. She is a looker.

PS Why is it a she? After a year and a half, it should be a work horse, not a finicky, bonbons on the couch fat chick!
Thank you all. Farewell.
It's a good one, by the way. Short range report on . Carry on...

Edited to add:
Ever since I discovered alcohol in college I had a thing for fat chicks. Clearly, I was put on this earth for a purpose.