Shameless Brag

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I finally got around to trying out my new 500-yard range. I have three 22" steel plates hanging off a frame, over across the creek and about 250 feet below the house. I built a fairly solid shooting-table right by the house. I'm too lazy to wanna walk far.

I dug out my 30-year old pet '06, found some old Federal 150-grain stuff, and went for a try. Four foot hold-over, no allowance for windage. 8" off center around four o'clock. Allowed about 8" for breeze, roughly four foot hold-over: Et voila--Dead Center! :)

Not bad, for out of the closet from last deer season, sighted in for 200 yards... :)

Ya gotta watch us Old Farts. :)
That you hit it, good for you and I'm happy for you Art.

That you have a 500 yard range makes me green with envy. You are one lucky hombre.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Good Shot, Art...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

Long Path

New member
Art-- Is that steel hard/thick enough to withstand heavier-loaded .300 Win Mag 180 loads?

May have to give it a try m'self, in a couple o' weeks!! :)


P.S.: It's the old farts I don't have to worry about... unless I piss 'em off.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Long Path: The steel plate is about 5/8" or so thick. The '06 made about a 1/8" dimple. So, yeah, it'll handle your .300.

Brought yaseff on out! But don't forget a quail gun...

:), Art